- 'AskAway' Library Service Quits Answering Questions [The Tyee]
- Are Libraries Necessary, or a Waste of Tax Money? [FOX News]
- How cognitive surplus will change the world [TED]
- What's it like to command a bookmobile? [USA Today]
- Fark creator says wisdom of crowds is overrated [The Hill]
- Plagiarism Inc. [City Pages]
- Kids find summertime haven in libraries, parents find day care [Chicago Tribune]
- The Stolen Smell [StoryCove]
- Should your child be learning the art of slow reading? [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Study: E-books take longer to read than print [CNN]
- Mom: Son in 'extensive therapy' after viewing library book [Northwest Florida Daily News]
- Stanford Ushers In The Age Of Bookless Libraries [Morning Edition]
- Over 5,000 anti-school bookmarks found in books at libraries in Dover, Portsmouth, Durham [Foster's Daily Democrat]
- Can you sell your imported gadgets? Court guts "First Sale" [Ars Technica]
- Computers at Home: Educational Hope vs. Teenage Reality [The New York Times]
- Books and Literacy in the Digital Age [American Libraries]
- Text Me Not [Salt Lake City Weekly]
- A copyright ruling no one can like [CNET News]
- Southampton librarians postpone strike over volunteers [BBC News]
- News sites reining in nasty user comments [CNN]
- TechBytes: eBook Tipping Point [ABC News]
- Policing the Web’s Lurid Precincts [The New York Times]
- Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries [NPR]
- Boys trail girls in reading; can fart jokes help? [accessAtlanta]
- Saving our digital heritage [Salon]
- Google bows to China's censorship demands [The Sydney Morning Herald]
- The Digital Revolution in Children's Publishing [Publishers Weekly]
- Searching A Card Catalog [ObsoleteSkills]
- Using Library Experts Wisely [Inside Higher Ed]
- Facebook launches Facebook Questions [Telegraph]
- SkyRiver and Innovative Interfaces File Major Antitrust Lawsuit Against OCLC [Library Journal]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Military K-9s are one rank higher than their handlers, so that anyone mistreating their dog is culpable of assaulting a superior.