Library Link of the Day

March 2012

<< February 2012 | April 2012 >>

  1. Scientists' Victory Over the Research Works Act Is Like the SOPA Defeat [Slate]
  2. Little Free Libraries are taking root on lawns [USA Today]
  3. The disappearing virtual library [Al Jazeera]
  4. Necessary Evil? Random House Triples Prices Of Library E-Books [TechCrunch]
  5. Afraid of Your Child's Math Textbook? You Should Be. [Open Salon]
  6. YouTube's Content ID Disputes Are Judged by the Accuser [WAXY]
  7. 'Predatory' Online Journals Lure Scholars Who Are Eager to Publish [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  8. Publishers Oppose Bill on Scholarly Open Access [Inside Higher Ed]
  9. Justice Department Threatens Apple, Publishers over E-Book Pricing [Time]
  10. Using web archives to preserve the past [Guardian]
  11. Pick your monopoly: Apple or Amazon [The Washington Post]
  12. Library critics see a world without paper books [The Ridgefield Press]
  13. New machine to print your own books comes to Brooklyn Public Library [Daily News]
  14. Is the Internet a threat to libraries, reading and writing culture? [Newsday]
  15. Encyclopaedia Britannica: After 244 years in print, only digital copies sold [The Christian Science Monitor]
  16. E-books 'lend themselves to erotica' [BBC News]
  17. Collection Society To Libraries: No Story Time For Kids Unless You Pay To Read Aloud [Techdirt]
  18. Hobbit pub in Southampton threatened with legal action [BBC News]
  19. Google Begins to Scale Back Its Scanning of Books From University Libraries [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  20. Media culture shifts: theory v reality [Guardian]
  21. Liberating America's secret, for-pay laws [Boing Boing]
  22. Ghostwritten celebrity cookbooks: Do you care? [MNN]
  23. In Crosswords, It’s Man Over Machine, for Now [The New York Times]
  24. You Can’t Trust Hyper-Connected Experts [Demo Dirt]
  25. Rochester’s ridiculous banned book controversy [Salon]
  26. Late? No, fine [The Boston Globe]
  27. Librarians, Authors Join Forces at Read-In [Torontoist]
  28. Borrowing e-books proves popular [Voxy]
  29. Authentic Librarianship and the Question of Service [Library Journal]
  30. What book publishers should learn from Harry Potter [GigaOM]
  31. The Future of Academic Libraries [Steven J. Bell]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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