Library Link of the Day

July 2015

<< June 2015 | August 2015 >>

  1. Can Wikipedia Survive? [The New York Times]
  2. Internet Searches Create Illusion of Personal Knowledge, Research Finds [American Psychological Association]
  3. A Decade of Critical Information Literacy [Communications in Information Literacy]
  4. US Still Bans, Suppresses Books Despite The First Amendment [MintPress News]
  5. And the Pulitzer goes to… a computer [The Guardian]
  6. Letter of Recommendation: The Oxford English Dictionary [The New York Times]
  7. Is it stealing if you empty a Little Free Library? []
  8. Days of Our Digital Lives [The New York Times]
  9. Where are the books? Libraries under fire as they shift from print to digital. [The Washington Post]
  10. When America's Librarians Went To War [NPR]
  11. Barnes & Noble Closes International Nook Store [TechCrunch]
  12. Everything Science Knows About Reading On Screens [Co.Design]
  13. New Boycott In Support Of Open Access: Third Time Lucky? [Techdirt]
  14. Library of Congress' Twitter archive is a huge #FAIL [POLITICO]
  15. Netflix-Like Book Services Would Be Happy if You Read Less [Wired]
  16. Stewardship of the Evolving Scholarly Record: From the Invisible Hand to Conscious Coordination [OCLC]
  17. Taking Stock: Sharing Responsibility for Print Preservation [Ithaka S+R]
  18. What Is Detected? [Inside Higher Ed]
  19. Wisdom of the Crowd [Library Journal]
  20. Google’s Visual Case Study Of The Perils And Politics Of Automated Metadata [Digital Asset Management News]
  21. If we really want DVD stores and bookshops to survive, why don’t we shop at them more? [The Guardian]
  22. Police ask for new edition of American Psycho to be kept from Adelaide bookshelves [ABC News]
  23. All Those Techies Who Predicted the Demise of the Public Library Were Wrong [Alternet]
  24. Can history and geography survive the digital age? [Times Higher Education]
  25. Feeling the internet: how people with visual disabilities surf the web [Hopes&Fears]
  26. Print's Not Dead—Just Ask Music-Loving Teens [Fast Company]
  27. Solving the hard problem of patron privacy in digital libraries [Medium]
  28. 6 Things You Learn Preserving America's Past [Cracked]
  29. State Of Georgia Sues Carl Malamud For Copyright Infringement For Publishing The State's Own Laws [TechDirt]
  30. 'Oldest' Koran fragments found in Birmingham University [BBC News]
  31. A quiet culture war in research libraries – and what it means for librarians, researchers and publishers [UKSG Insights]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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