Wizardry was one of the most ground breaking computer role-playing games ever made. Wizardry was created by Andrew Greenberg and Robert Woodhead, of Sir-Tech. Roe R. Adams III also worked on Wizardry IV, and David W. Bradley also worked on Wizardry V. David also made 6 and 7, while Wizardry 8 was released in late 2001. These are the Wizardry scenarios:
There are several different versions of each scenario. This is mostly because of the different computer formats (Apple II, IBM, and even Nintendo) that Wizardry was made for. There are also Japanese versions with some name changes:
Wizardry is considered the big granddaddy of computer fantasy role-playing games. It was the first popular game to combine the elements of fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons with what was then an infantile computer game market. The games have developed in complexity over time but still remain popular. Sir-Tech has released the first seven scenarios on one CD, distributed by Interplay (called the Ultimate Wizardry Archives), capitalizing on the nostalgia of the first players of these games.
Created, maintained and © by John Hubbard (write to me). Disclaimers. Hosted by Dreamhost. Last modified: January-04-2003.