- 50 Ways to Kill an Ensign - The Star Trek paradoy
- Cop - Warning signs that you may be in the police
- Cybrarian - A Gilbert and Sullivan parody
- Dan Quayle - Some pretty funny things that this guy actually said
- Dr. Laura - Fan letter about her homophobia
- Humor in Uniform - Military humor
- Pulp Wars - Jules and Vincent cruise around Tatooine
- Ronald Opus - Who killed him? (thought experiment)
- Soap - About the little bars of soap they put in hotel rooms
- Thesis - Phrases and tales about completing a thesis
- Villains - What Type of Villain Are You?
- Wilderness - Some not-so-great ideas on how to improve the great outdoors
Computer Tales
- AOL - The diary of a typical America Online user
- Lab - 50 ways to cause havok in a computer lab
- Software - Governing styles and software
- Windows OS - A revelation...
More Humor