Library Link of the Day

March 2013

<< February 2013 | April 2013 >>

  1. Requirements for the Future Digital Library [Council on Library and Information Resources]
  2. Privacy 101 for Librarians [American Library Association]
  3. Online Library Wants It All, Every Book [The New York Times]
  4. The Library Shall Endure [The Book & The Computer]
  5. The Future of Journals [Information Today]
  6. Should libraries filter out Internet porn? [The Christian Science Monitor]
  7. Downloading the library [The Star-Ledger]
  8. Content Management's New Realities [ONLINE Magazine]
  9. Sanders attempts to soften USAPA [Brattleboro Reformer]
  10. Information Age Intelligence [The COBOL Report]
  11. Professors Blast e-Textbook Company [InternetNews]
  12. The End of Books [Scribner's magazine]
  13. Koans of the Zen Librarian [The Laughing Librarian]
  14. Taming the Wireless Frontier: PDAs, Tablets, and Laptops at Home on the Range [Computers in Libraries]
  15. 'Preserve net works for future' [UTV]
  16. Intellectual Freedom within the Profession: A Look back at Freedom of Expression And the Alternative Library Press [Library Juice]
  17. Usability Testing at Florida International University Libraries: What We Learned [Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship]
  18. Datapalooza makes research 'rock' at Parks Library [Iowa State Daily]
  19. The processed book [First Monday]
  20. Is this the library of the future? [BBC News]
  21. Online library offers 40,000 research papers [Gulf News]
  22. Semantic Applications, or Revenge of the Librarians [Darwin Magazine]
  23. America's Biggest Readers [Book magazine]
  24. Sharing the Wealth [Research Libraries Group]
  25. Green Printing - The New Bottom Line [BookTech the Magazine]
  26. Library workers sue over porn [The Saint Paul Pioneer Press]
  27. Libraries under attack [The Japan Times]
  28. Virtual Reference Service and Disservice [Computers in Libraries]
  29. Librarians and Publishers as Collaborators and Competitors [EDUCAUSE Review]
  30. Convincing others of what you do [Teacher Librarian]
  31. National Library Week [American Library Association]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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