<< November 2003 | January 2004 >>
- Web sites vanish so fast scientific papers just can't keep up [San Francisco Chronicle]
- Public Libraries Use Internet to Sell Old Books, Help Budgets [TechNewsWorld]
- Libraries tap census to get read on how to fill patrons' tastes [The Birmingham News]
- New Research: Better Libraries, Better Test Scores [School Library Journal]
- Software paraphrases sentences [Technology Research News]
- Librarians try puttin' on the Ritz [The Palm Beach Post]
- Robot can browse for books in library via Internet [Japan Today]
- Egypt Library Removes Anti-Semitic Tract [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
- Collapse of county library system feared [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
- The Word on Text Mining [Intelligent Enterprise]
- China works out e-paper prototype [Xinhua News Agency]
- Combating Ageism: Lessons Learned by "Baby" Librarians [LIScareer.com]
- Reed Elsevier at risk as MPs look into science publishing market [The Guardian]
- Use library services and get rewarded for it [Channel News Asia]
- Have you ever wondered if the library were like Amazon.com [pthbbbt]
- Privacy, Porn, and Public Access in 2004 [Library Journal]
- Guinness: Scientist creates world's largest book [CNN]
- Google Experiment Provides Internet With Book Excerpts [The New York Times]
- A Quantum Theory of Internet Value [The Register]
- In Castro's Gulag—Librarians [The Village Voice]
- Letter by Ann Sparanese to ALA regarding commentary by Nat Hentoff [Cuba Libraries Solidarity Group]
- Little things put big burdens on librarians of Santa Cruz [The Mercury News]
- DVD piracy claim rejected in Norway appeal [International Herald Tribune]
- 'It's a pantomime where tinsel takes the place of substance' [The Guardian]
- THE YEAR IN BOOKS [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
- Beyoncé's Blaring, So You Won't Hear a Shhh! [The New York Times]
- Ancient masterpieces at National Library [China Daily]
- In Medical Mystery, A Hint of Smallpox [The Washington Post]
- Transcription of Braille translates into new life [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
- Book it: State dollars to help [The Express-Times]
- FBI Links Almanacs With Terror Planning [FOX News]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.