<< September 2005 | November 2005 >>
- 'Manga' publishers see cell phones as the future [The Japan Times]
- Using Participatory Design to Improve Web Sites [Computers in Libraries]
- As online research grows, libraries adapt [Lincoln Journal Star]
- Yahoo Works With 2 Academic Libraries and Other Archives on Project to Digitize Collections [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Man charged after historical document taken [The Capital Times]
- This Illiterate Brazilian's Home Speaks Volumes [Yahoo! News]
- Libraries, please keep your books [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Libraries and Librarians In A Digital Future: Where Do We Fit? [LISNews.com]
- The camera can be mightier than the pen [The Times]
- National group protests Montgomery libraries [KHOU]
- Defending Google's licence to print [BBC News]
- Tech-savvy kids are well connected with their peers but not parents [Saint Paul Pioneer Press]
- Teaching With Tech [U.S. News & World Report]
- User-contributed content pilot [OCLC]
- Know Thy Bible [National Review]
- A Marriage of Bookshelf and Phone [The New York Times]
- The Hidden Cost of Documentaries [The New York Times]
- Hierarchical Catalog Records [D-Lib Magazine]
- Purdue Plans First Endowed Info Literacy Chair—Eventually [Library Journal]
- Library sex surfer gets apology [BBC News]
- Searching and Browsing in a Digital Library of Historical Maps and Newspapers [Journal of Digital Information]
- As costs rise, library cuts journals [The Daily Pennsylvanian]
- Riches We Must Share... [The Washington Post]
- Libraries: Standing at the Wrong Platform, Waiting for the Wrong Train? [EDUCAUSE Review]
- Europeans burn through digital books [CNET News.com]
- The status of open access publishing by academic societies [Journal of the Medical Library Association]
- Acquiring Copyright Permission to Digitize and Provide Open Access to Books [Council on Library and Information Resources]
- The Future of Libraries [The DaVinci Institute]
- The perils of living in high-tech times [Yale Daily News]
- Date set for Da Vinci court case [BBC News]
- Google & the rights stuff [Daily News]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).There are about 150 dead bodies atop Mount Everest.