<< November 2005 | January 2006 >>
- A Risky Gamble With Google [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Thieves, careless borrowers spell woe for libraries [Rochester Democrat and Chronicle]
- Food critic Coren wins British bad sex award [The Guardian]
- Librarian puts squirrel over job [Chicago Sun-Times]
- The Wild, Wild Web [U.S. News & World Report]
- Desktop manufacturing [Salon]
- Graphic novels catch eyes and minds of students [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
- Science in the web age: Joint efforts [Nature]
- House, Senate Reach Deal on Patriot Act [ABC News]
- Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources [OCLC]
- Military's Information War Is Vast and Often Secretive [The New York Times]
- Author apologizes for fake Wikipedia biography [USA Today]
- A man's vision: World library online [The San Francisco Chronicle]
- HarperCollins to digitize 20,000 of its books [MSNBC]
- Instant Messaging, Literacies, and Social Identities [Reading Research Quarterly]
- The Hive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging [InfoTangle]
- Parallel Worlds: Online Games and Digital Information Services [D-Lib Magazine]
- Assessing Wikipedia's Accuracy [All Things Considered]
- Kenya's children of the desert find that knowledge comes on the back of a camel [The Guardian]
- Ready access to info means smarts or stress? [The Boston Globe]
- Someone call Karl Marx [Maclean's]
- 'Little Red Book' story gets wide publicity [The Standard-Times]
- Intelligent design not for school, judge says [The Albuquerque Tribune]
- Federal agents' visit was a hoax [The Standard-Times]
- Writing the Book On Punctuality [The Washington Post]
- What next at the library? A ban on flirting? [The Guardian]
- Age of information overload [CNN]
- Hiding from the Patriot Act [Chicago Tribune]
- Losing the Right to Tinker? [Technology Review]
- Trustee resigns over library hiring flap [Bonner County Daily Bee]
- Ten Stories that Shaped 2005 [LISNews]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Woodrow Wilson is the only US President to have earned a PhD.