- A Chilling FBI Fishing Expedition [The Washington Post]
- Virtual Libraries and Real-Life Concerns [Law.com]
- The Death of Print, Xanadu and Other Nightmares, or, Brother, Can You Paradigm? [Walt Crawford]
- Why You Should Care About Network Neutrality [Slate]
- Laura Bush announces grants for libraries [CNN]
- E-Journal Archives and Preservation: An Executive Overview [The Charleston Advisor]
- Educators turn to comics to rescue boys' literacy [Daily Press]
- Iraq: the cradle of the written word [The Christian Science Monitor]
- RLG to Merge with OCLC [Information Today]
- U.S. Book Production Plummets 18% in 2005; Smaller Publishers Show the Largest Drop in New Titles [Bowker]
- Scraping to fill the shelves of the Bush library [The Boston Globe]
- NIH Has Little to Celebrate on 1st Anniversary of Its Open-Access Policy, but Changes May Be on Way [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Fire reminds us of precious archives at UNM library [The Albuquerque Tribune]
- Stop sending me paper, begs Rowling [The Guardian]
- Scan This Book! [The New York Times]
- Browsing Library Collections: From the Shelf to the Online Catalog [EDUCAUSE Review]
- iPod Phenomenon [PBS NewsHour]
- Internet Research: Students' Panacea? [The Hartford Courant]
- ref*er*ence pub*lish*ing [Book Business]
- Life On The Web's Factory Floor [BusinessWeek]
- 'Saddam novel' on sale in Tokyo [BBC News]
- Managing the Library's Corporate Culture for Organizational Efficiency, Productivity, and Enhanced Service [Library Philosophy and Practice]
- Next-Generation Textbooks: Book Smarts [Campus Technology]
- Gays' place in textbooks: Debate is on [The Sacramento Bee]
- Saudi Textbooks Still Teach Hate, Group Says [Morning Edition]
- Explosive Words [The Washington Post]
- Life-Expectancy of Bestsellers Plummets, Finds Study [Lulu]
- Web inventor warns of 'dark' net [BBC News]
- Is the lifting of library fines long overdue? [The Christian Science Monitor]
- White House Wants NSA Lawsuits Nixed [CBS News]
- Conn. librarians bitterly decry gag order in Patriot Act case [The Boston Globe]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.