<< August 2007 | October 2007 >>
- Even penguin tales can create a flap [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
- Creating the 21st Century Library [In These Times]
- Who's Selecting Now? [Library Journal]
- Spanish library in turmoil over stolen maps [The Independent]
- 15 years after birth, book's not closed on texting [USA Today]
- Pig balls and stuck skunks: A 311 customer service rep has a window onto San Francisco's secret heart. [The San Francisco Chronicle]
- Envisioning the Next Chapter for Electronic Books [The New York Times]
- Judge Rules Against Patriot Act Provision [Top Tech News]
- US backing for two-tier internet [BBC News]
- Reading Books in the Digital Age subsequent to Amazon, Google and the long tail [First Monday]
- Hidden method of reading revealed [BBC News]
- Project of Publishers' Association Is Criticized by Some of Its Members and Open-Access Advocates [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- The Fred factor [Ottawa Citizen]
- Internet A Double Challenge For Libraries [CBS News]
- 'Super-scope' to see hidden texts [BBC News]
- Tags Help Make Libraries Del.icio.us [Library Journal]
- Librarians angry over unfashionable stereotype [TV3]
- Students’ ‘Evolving’ Use of Technology [Inside Higher Ed]
- Critic of sex education book refuses to return library copies [The Boston Globe]
- Libraries attract record crowds [The Denver Post]
- Colleges targeting book crooks [USA Today]
- The Catalog’s Last Stand [OCLC Systems & Services]
- Critics Right and Left Protest Book Removals [The New York Times]
- Library Policy Hurts Privacy, Patron Says [The Washington Post]
- Demise of TimesSelect Deals Blow to Pay-for-News and Alters Access to Archives [Information Today]
- Indonesians tune in to digital Koran [CNET]
- Dump the Org. Chart: Get `Er Done!: Management for a 2.0 Library [SirsiDynix Institute]
- How judging a book by its ‘girlie’ cover is putting boys off reading [The Times]
- British Library books go digital [BBC News]
- Where's My Free Wi-Fi? [Slate]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.