Library Link of the Day

November 2007

<< October 2007 | December 2007 >>

  1. The Outsourced Brain [The New York Times]
  2. Internet2 and Libraries [Computers in Libraries]
  3. Open Access to Research Funded by U.S. Is at Issue [The Washington Post]
  4. Comedy's new chapter: The Librarians [The Daily Telegraph]
  5. A new leaf [The Age]
  6. Library books get insert adverts [BBC News]
  7. 'Million Little Pieces' refund claimed by only 1,700 [CNN]
  8. The day the music died [BBC News]
  9. Yahoo executives defend company's role in arrest of Chinese journalist [International Herald Tribune]
  10. Student Content Creators: Convergence of Literacies [EDUCAUSE Review]
  11. Digitization and its discontents. [The New Yorker]
  12. The talk of the Reagan library [Los Angeles Times]
  13. Game News in a Duel of Print and Online [The New York Times]
  14. Porn in libraries is wrong, say residents [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
  15. Infringus maximus! Rowling gets injunction against Harry Potter Lexicon [Ars Technica]
  16. Much Loved, Now Much Used [The New York Times]
  17. Pimp my Bookcart [Unshelved]
  18. Texas math books wrought with errors [United Press International]
  19. Libraries' efforts to block porn from computers aren't sure-fire, officials admit [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
  20. Yes, Google Is Trying To Take Over the World [Slate]
  21. The Future of Reading [Newsweek]
  22. Reading Study Shows Remarkable Decline in U.S. [All Things Considered]
  23. Ontario Catholic school board pulls fantasy book following complaint about atheist author [International Herald Tribune]
  24. The virtual university [San Jose Mercury News]
  25. Inside the tomb of tomes [The Guardian]
  26. Old Maps Given New Life On The Internet [CBS News]
  27. Library secure for kid porn [The Denver Post]
  28. Online library offers 1.5 million works and counting [CNET]
  29. Amazon records sought in D'Angelo probe [Wisconsin State Journal]
  30. Old Bridge library unites generations [Home News Tribune]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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A person with pes planus has flat feet.