Library Link of the Day

January 2008

<< December 2007 | February 2008 >>

  1. All Bookselling Is Local [Publishers Weekly]
  2. The Race to the Shelf Continues [Searcher]
  3. Gunpowder plot 'skin' book sold [BBC News]
  4. Got a manuscript? Publishing now a snap [The Boston Globe]
  5. How One Overdue Book Can Hurt a Credit Record [The New York Times]
  6. Borges and the Foreseeable Future [The New York Times]
  7. Book’em [Boston Herald]
  8. It's all fun and games at library [Telegraph Herald]
  9. You, too, read in the loo? [The Arizona Republic]
  10. Cookbook author finds Jerry Seinfeld's humor no laughing matter [USA Today]
  11. Borrower goes wild at library [The Akron Beacon Journal]
  12. On the Record: Report of The Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control [The Library of Congress]
  13. 15 Trends to Watch in 2008 [Publishers Weekly]
  14. Do you need to read books to be clever? [BBC News]
  15. Bits Debate: Is Copy Protection Needed or Futile? [The New York Times]
  16. Strains and Joys Color Mergers Between Libraries and Tech Units [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  17. Reference books? Give me Wikipedia [The Times]
  18. On Dallas library computers, porn is a regular sight [The Dallas Morning News]
  19. is challenging French competition law [International Herald Tribune]
  20. Their House to Yours, via the Trash [The New York Times]
  21. Thumbs Race as Japan’s Best Sellers Go Cellular [The New York Times]
  22. Library of Congress taps Web 2.0 to gain user expertise on photos [Computerworld]
  23. Blog Comments and Peer Review Go Head to Head to See Which Makes a Book Better [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  24. Bringing open resources to textbooks and teaching [San Francisco Chronicle]
  25. Who Is Grady Harp? [Slate]
  26. Open access book publishing in writing studies: A case study [First Monday]
  27. Writers' digital row with library [BBC News]
  28. Library Walks Fine Line on Web Pornography [The New York Times]
  29. British Study Says "Google Generation" a Myth; Libraries Must Step Up [Library Journal]
  30. Searching for the truth online [BBC News]
  31. The Gray Areas of Search-Engine Law [IEEE Spectrum]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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The day after October 4, 1582 was October 15, 1582.