<< February 2008 | April 2008 >>
- District Fires Sick Librarian [School Library Journal]
- What to Do With Wikipedia [Online]
- In Norway, Global Seed Vault guards genetic resources [International Herald Tribune]
- Publishers Phase Out Piracy Protection on Audio Books [The New York Times]
- Citation over library books leads to jail time [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
- Oprah's mag gushed over memoir of fake gangbanger [Daily News]
- Cyber-Rebels in Cuba Defy State’s Limits [The New York Times]
- Publishers embrace short nonfiction, from presidents to science [International Herald Tribune]
- Revenge of the Experts [Newsweek]
- Public libraries told to innovate or die out [The Times]
- Flying Off the Shelves [The Stranger]
- Pull the plug on the library [The Gainesville Sun]
- Text Generation Gap: U R 2 Old (JK) [The New York Times]
- Display technology's flexible future [CNET News]
- Library child porn causes stir [The Fresno Bee]
- Homeless Men Find Shelter in Book Club [ABC News]
- The battle for Wikipedia's soul [The Economist]
- Web changing journalism, but not as expected, study finds: News agenda seems to be narrowing [International Herald Tribune]
- Our Public Libraries Are Being Turned Into Video Arcades [American Chronicle]
- Start Writing the Eulogies for Print Encyclopedias [The New York Times]
- Goodbye, textbooks; hello, open-source learning [Technology Entertainment Design]
- Taking Play Seriously at the Public Library With Young Video Gamers [The New York Times]
- Borders exploring sale, secures financing to remain afloat [Detroit Free Press]
- Question for the Ages: What Books When? [The Washington Post]
- Web Sites Let Bibliophiles Share Books Virtually [All Things Considered]
- Library rally turns up the heat on dispute [Times Colonist]
- Library more relevant than ever [The Huron Daily Tribune]
- Algorithms Are Terrific. But to Search Smarter, Find a Person. [Wired Magazine]
- EPA Libraries Reopening [ABC News]
- Shakespeare goes digital [MSNBC]
- Wikipedia hits 10 million total articles [CNET News]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.