Library Link of the Day

November 2008

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  1. Harvard Slams Google Settlement; Others React with Caution [Library Journal]
  2. Library Technology International [Computers in Libraries]
  3. Will life on planet Google be a nightmare or a dream? [The Independent]
  4. Flip This Library [School Library Journal]
  5. America's 10 Coolest Public Libraries [MSN City Guides]
  6. Office Politics [Library Journal]
  7. An Obama presidency: Good, bad news for technology [CNET]
  8. Digital revolution comes to printed word [International Herald Tribune]
  9. Librarians wield cart in Wis. competition [Chicago Tribune]
  10. America's Most Dangerous Librarians [Mother Jones]
  11. Why I Copyfight [Locus Magazine]
  12. The Google library [Los Angeles Times]
  13. Too Late or Just Right? OCLC, I-Schools Announce Reference Extract Web Search Project [Library Journal]
  14. Reference librarians in the age of Google [Duke Magazine]
  15. Video games and libraries [The Ottawa Citizen]
  16. Current Models of Digital Scholarly Communication [Association of Research Libraries]
  17. Maelstrom Over Metadata [Inside Higher Ed]
  18. Consumers are wired ... but frustrated []
  19. Billion Dollar Charlie vs. the RIAA [The Boston Globe]
  20. France takes lead in digital library [International Herald Tribune]
  21. Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing [The New York Times]
  22. Top 20 things librarians wish patrons knew [Seattle Books Examiner]
  23. Will Libraries Go the Way of Video Stores? [Babblebaby]
  24. European online library crashes [BBC News]
  25. Writing On The Walls Of The Nation's Library []
  26. Group think [The Boston Globe]
  27. Libraries want a bailout too [Sandusky Register]
  28. Money sought, plans offered to keep Philadelphia libraries open [The Philadelphia Inquirer]
  29. 100 Notable Books of 2008 [The New York Times]
  30. Libraries offer seniors more than books [Newsday]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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