- Libraries Charge with Changes [The Dillon Herald]
- You’ve Read the Headlines. Now, Quick, Read the Book. [The New York Times]
- Goodbye, Encarta. A cautionary tale for newspapers? [The Christian Science Monitor]
- FBI called in over Wolverine leak [BBC News]
- Google book plan facing opposition [United Press International]
- Rutgers Board of Governors Approves Name Change Dropping Word "Library" [Library Journal]
- More authors turn to Web and print-on-demand publishing [CNN]
- Is This the Future of the Digital Book? [The New York Times]
- Google CEO advises newspapers to innovate [Los Angeles Times]
- Mixed Answers to "Is It OK for a Library To Lend a Kindle?" [Library Journal]
- New digital library to display world on a website [Guardian]
- The Curious Caper Of The Missing Sex Book [YourTango]
- The State of America's Libraries [American Library Association]
- In Defense of Open Access [The Eye]
- Google to publishers: We're not evil or illegal [CNet News]
- Longtime ALA Intellectual Freedom Leader Judith Krug Dies [Library Journal]
- Shocking truth behind Amazon's 'glitch' [MSNBC]
- Book returned after 145 years [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Checking out our favorite libraries and librarians [Entertainment Weekly]
- The Economic Stimulus Package: Updates on Broadband and Beyond [Library Journal]
- Chavez effect creates bestseller [BBC News]
- Court flunks high schoolers' appeal on plagiarism database [Ars Technica]
- The U.N.'s World Digital Library [Time]
- How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write [The Wall Street Journal]
- In Challenge to ILS Industry, OCLC Extends WorldCat Local To Launch New Library System [Library Journal]
- Internet Archive Latest to Object to Google Settlement [Publishers Weekly]
- Online Catalogs: What Users and Librarians Want [OCLC]
- Students Maced at UTC [Chattanooga Times Free Press]
- Revolutionary Espresso Book Machine launches in London [Guardian]
- Cheating Goes Global as Essay Mills Multiply [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).The wingspan of a Boeing 747 jet is longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight.