- Working the Social: Twitter and FriendFeed [Library Journal]
- The library that never closes [Guardian]
- OCLC Formally Withdraws WorldCat Policy [Library Journal]
- Library trucks bear literary ads [The Kansas City Star]
- Building better world a book at a time [CNN]
- Groups Sue Ariz State, Say Kindle Use Hurts Blind Students [The Wall Street Journal]
- Is Google Hurting Book Publishers? [CNBC]
- Pirate Bay Sale Signals the Death of an Era [PC World]
- Local book donations down this year [The SnoValley Star]
- We Rent Movies, So Why Not Textbooks? [The New York Times]
- Global Effort Puts Oldest Known Bible Online [All Things Considered]
- Libraries thinking outside the book [The Denver Post]
- Science moves from the stacks to the Web; print too pricey [Ars Technica]
- Chrome OS proves Google can hype, but can it win? [CNET]
- Librarians Go Wild For Gold Book Cart [All Things Considered]
- Get Smarter [The Atlantic Monthly]
- Financial Times editor says most news websites will charge within a year [Guardian]
- The history and future of Chrome OS [ZDNet]
- David Wiley: Digital Textbooks Call for New Business Models [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Restore the noble purpose of libraries [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Lost in the Cloud [The New York Times]
- Finally, Barnes & Noble returns to e-books [CNET]
- Amazon deal to reprint rare books [BBC News]
- Comics, Movies and a New Publishing Deal for Bone at the San Diego Comic-Con [Publishers Weekly]
- Google Books causes concern [The Boston Globe]
- Library fight riles up city, leads to book-burning demand [CNN]
- ALA Conference 2009: Panel Focuses on Creating "Zones with Heart" [Library Journal]
- Mourning the Death of Handwriting [Time]
- A New Page [The New Yorker]
- Nailed 'Em [The Colbert Report]
- Is there a margin muse in your library book? [Guardian]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).The wingspan of a Boeing 747 jet is longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight.