Library Link of the Day

January 2011

<< December 2010 | February 2011 >>

  1. Network neutrality: A tangled web [The Economist]
  2. Barnes & Noble says e-books outsell physical books online [Los Angeles Times]
  3. Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google [TechCrunch]
  4. Can a Book Save Your Life? [Electric Literature]
  5. Version of "Huckleberry Finn" to Remove "N" Word [CBS News]
  6. Counting on Google Books [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  7. Selling a Book by Its Cover [The New York Times]
  8. Libraries seen as easy touch when it comes to balancing the books [The Guardian]
  9. Hard times spur libraries to shelve services [The Washington Post]
  10. When Done Right, Little Gets Lost In Translation [All Things Considered]
  11. Wikipedia Turns 10, Eyes Developing World [All Things Considered]
  12. When refrigerators tweet and washing machines text [CNN]
  13. State of Washington to Offer Online Materials as Texts [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  14. Playing Catch-Up in a Digital Library Race [The New York Times]
  15. JFK Library goes digital [CNN]
  16. Brown Proposes Eliminating All State Funding for California Public Libraries [Library Journal]
  17. Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers [Salon]
  18. Humans vs. automated search: Why people power is cool again [CNN]
  19. Freedom of Speech Includes the Freedom to Hate [Christopher Hitchens]
  20. How novels came to terms with the internet [The Guardian]
  21. Buckinghamshire library emptied in cuts protest [BBC News]
  22. Book weeding, changes stir debate at Central Library [The Buffalo News]
  23. The decline effect and the scientific method [The New Yorker]
  24. As Wikipedia Turns 10, It Focuses on Ways to Improve Student Learning [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  25. When it comes to books, Canadians read a lot but also worry a lot [The Globe and Mail]
  26. What happens when the CD factory closes? [CNET]
  27. Library of Congress hawk captured [The Washington Post]
  28. That's one big book [Iowa City Press Citizen]
  29. Kindle books now outsell paperbacks [MSNBC]
  30. Text messaging 'improves children's spelling skills' [The Telegraph]
  31. Nature's open-access offering may sound death knell for subs model [Times Higher Education]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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