- End of the typewriter? Not quite [Chicago Tribune]
- The Architecture of Access to Scientific Knowledge: Just How Badly We Have Messed This Up [Lawrence Lessig]
- Transforming Traditional Organizations [Jeffrey Trzeciak]
- Should we allow porn in libraries? [Salon]
- A next-generation digital book [TED]
- Enforcing Copyrights Online, for a Profit [The New York Times]
- How the Internet Affects Plagiarism [MindShift]
- Interview with Cory Doctorow [ALA Privacy and Youth Conference]
- UK general title digital book sales soar to £16m in 2010 [BBC News]
- NJ Online Reference Service Gets Temporary Reprieve [Library Journal]
- Revamping Reference [Library Journal]
- MLK, Mark Twain quotes go viral -- and are wrong [CNN]
- US prisoners refused all books except Bible [Guardian]
- Novel rejected? There’s an e-book gold rush! [The Washington Post]
- Andy Rooney ponders e-books [60 Minutes]
- Beware online "filter bubbles" [TED]
- Tomorrow's Academic Libraries: Maybe Even Some Books [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Sharing Information Corrupts Wisdom of Crowds [Wired]
- Karl Lagerfeld pursues literary endeavors [Harper's Bazaar]
- The future of the library [Seth Godin]
- Amazon and Waterstones report downloads eclipsing printed book sales [Guardian]
- Google scraps newspaper-scanning project [CNET News]
- The GSU Lawsuit: You Don't Know How Lucky You Are [Library Journal]
- Malone's Barnes & Noble bid a bet on the Nook [Forbes]
- Libraries face growing demand for ebooks, and complicated rules about using them [The Vancouver Sun]
- The Networked Librarian [Lee Rainie]
- Books get the shove as university students prefer to do research online [The Sydney Morning Herald]
- The Musalman-Preservation of a Dream [Indian Public Diplomacy]
- How Ink Is Made [The Printing Ink Company]
- From Shelves to Internet: America's Digital Library Takes Shape [LiveScience]
- The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library: How It Works [The University of Chicago]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.