- Public libraries fight to stay relevant in digital age [The Christian Science Monitor]
- Assessing Innovation in Corporate and Government Libraries [Computers in Libraries]
- Johann Hari: How to survive the age of distraction [The Independent]
- Google’s Six-Front War [TechCrunch]
- Spoilers flood the Internet after 'Dance with Dragons' ships early [CNN]
- The Paperless Cockpit [The New York Times]
- Detroit Public Library Defends Stewardship of Valuable Collection of Baseball Memorabilia [Library Journal]
- Harry Potter and the website of secrets [The Vancouver Sun]
- The decline of the pseudonym [Salon]
- Rockford Public Library expanding e-book role as demand rises [Rockford Register Star]
- Google+: And You Thought Facebook Is a Privacy Nightmare [MSNBC]
- Is a Bookless Library Still a Library? [Time]
- Netflix's vanished Sony films are an ominous sign [CNN]
- Women And Children First: Technology And Moral Panic [The Wall Street Journal]
- Libraries and the Future of Electronic Content Delivery [American Libraries]
- Whatever happened to the "paperless office"? [The Straight Dope]
- Rebecca MacKinnon: Let's take back the Internet! [TEDGlobal]
- Finding the Future: Inside NYPL's All-Night Scavenger Hunt [Library Journal]
- Amazon Goes Back to School [The Motley Fool]
- Libraries Abandon Expensive 'Big Deal' Subscription Packages to Multiple Journals [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Former Reddit co-owner arrested for excessive JSTOR downloads [Ars Technica]
- Why Borders Failed While Barnes & Noble Survived [All Things Considered]
- Going, Going, And Gone?: No, The Oxford Comma Is Safe ... For Now [NPR]
- Harry Potter partners with Google, snubs Apple and PayPal [Los Angeles Times]
- When Patents Attack! [This American Life]
- NY Public Library to Forgive Kids' Overdue Fines [NBC News]
- Oxford University wants help decoding Egyptian papyri [BBC News]
- Books and Other Fetish Objects [The New York Times]
- Print Books: Should They Stay or Should They Go? [The New York Times]
- How to Offer More than a Movie [American Libraries]
- Post office closures could leave many customers without a stamping ground [Los Angeles Times]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).In 1990, Neptune was the furthest planet from the sun.