- Who Really Owns Your Personal Data? [Details]
- The Mind of a Con Man [The New York Times]
- The Delete Squad [New Republic]
- Move Over Apple – Samsung Files For a Patent on Page Turns [The Digital Reader]
- Star Wars [The Wilson Quarterly]
- Fifty Shades of Grey boosts book trade [The Guardian]
- The Oxford English Dictionary and its chief word detective [BBC News]
- Harper Lee Sues Agent Over ‘Mockingbird’ Royalties [Bloomberg]
- Last of a Breed: Postal Workers Who Decipher Bad Addresses [The New York Times]
- Tor Books says cutting DRM out of its e-books hasn’t hurt business [Ars Technica]
- The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens [Scientific American]
- Downloads for 3D-printed Liberator gun reach 100,000 [BBC News]
- Maureen Johnson Calls For An End To Gendered Book Covers With An Amazing Challenge [HuffPost]
- White House Rolls Out New Rules to Open Up Government Data [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Online Legacies Prompt Growing Legal Challenges [Morning Edition]
- The Downside of Being Universally Liked [Library Journal]
- What's a Library? [HuffPost]
- Apple was “ringmaster” in conspiracy to fix e-book prices, US says [Ars Technica]
- Publisher Threatens to Sue Blogger for $1-Billion [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Signature Required? No! Technology has made signing our names a farce [New Republic]
- An Old Technology, Transformed [The New York Times]
- What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains [Epipheo]
- Will 'Digital Ethnic Cleansing' Be Part of the Internet's Future? [The Atlantic]
- How does copyright work in space? [The Economist]
- Paperless public libraries switch to digital [BBC News]
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Money: A First Edition Sells for $227,421 [The Atlantic Wire]
- A glimpse into Guantánamo Bay's library [The Guardian]
- Keeping Up With... Gamification [ACRL]
- Qantas Airlines To Offer In-Flight Books [Morning Edition]
- Libraries as Content Creators [American Libraries]
- What the Kindle’s most-highlighted passages tell us about the soul of the American reader [New Republic]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).The day after October 4, 1582 was October 15, 1582.