Library Link of the Day

June 2014

<< May 2014 | July 2014 >>

  1. Alan Moore Is Creating An Open Access Comics App With Titles From Peter Hogan, Garth Ennis, Leah Moore, And John Reppion [Bleeding Cool]
  2. Beyond the Maker Space [Library Journal]
  3. Google sets up 'right to be forgotten' form after EU ruling [BBC News]
  4. What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades [The New York Times]
  5. Judy Blume: Parents worry too much about what children read [The Telegraph]
  6. Kids Don't Read Books Because Parents Don't Read Books [Forbes]
  7. Secrets of the Stacks [Medium]
  8. Google, the fight to forget, and the right to remember [Gigaom]
  9. LeVar Burton: Criticism Of Reading Rainbow Is ‘Bullsh*t’ [ThinkProgress]
  10. Digital revolution threatens American literature, says best-selling author James Patterson [PBS NewsHour]
  11. Second Circuit Upholds HathiTrust Verdict [Publishers Weekly]
  12. How books help a presidential candidate [The Boston Globe]
  13. New Orleans librarian, Laurence Copel, wins $3,000 prize [The Times-Picayune]
  14. Clever piece of code exposes hidden changes to Supreme Court opinions [Gigaom]
  15. The Funny Business of Investing in Comic Books [The Fiscal Times]
  16. Summer reading: myth, mystery and athletic triumph [The Seattle Times]
  17. Academics Continue Flirting With a Former Foe: Wikipedia [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  18. Is Coding the New Literacy? [Mother Jones]
  19. New York, Chicago, Hawaii Bid For Obama Presidential Library [CBS News]
  20. The problem with threshold concepts [Sense & Reference]
  21. Universities 'get poor value' from academic journal-publishing firms [The Guardian]
  22. City Forces 9-Year-Old Boy to Move “Little Free Library” From Front Yard [Time]
  23. The e-book phenomenon: a disruptive technology [Information Research]
  24. U.S. government’s civil war over civil liberties [Salon]
  25. “Sherlock Holmes” Is Now Officially Off Copyright and Open for Business [Smithsonian]
  26. Bottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe [Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication]
  27. College Libraries Push Back as Publishers Raise Some E-Book Prices [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  28. Got Wi-Fi? Some libraries now lending hotspots [USA Today]
  29. Here’s What the Future of Reading Looks Like [New York Magazine]
  30. The Lazy Machines Kill Literacy [The American Spectator]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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