<< February 2016 | April 2016 >>
- Hitler's ‘Mein Kampf' is a best seller in Germany [ABC]
- Hong Kong bookseller Lee Bo says he will abandon UK residency [BBC]
- Gardeners can 'check out' seeds from Saskatoon Seed Library [CBC]
- 100-year-old process creates Ethiopia's treasured books [CNN]
- Amazon risks market backlash after removing encryption on Kindle Fire tablets [CBR]
- Nefertiti bust secretly scanned by artists so everyone can 3D print one at home for free [IBT]
- Robot librarian designed by Aberystwyth University students [THE]
- Crossword puzzle: Do clues reveal plagiarism? [CBS]
- Supreme Court Denies Apple's Appeal On E-Books, Triggering Millions In Payments [NPR]
- The science of content curation: Has it changed the publishing industry? [IBT]
- Hilton taps IBM's Watson supercomputer for new robotic concierge [FOX]
- What Publishers Need to Know About Copyright [DBW]
- Publishing Heavyweights Petition White House, Congress To End Cuba Book Embargo [NPR]
- What We Talk About When We Talk About Apple and Compelled Speech [EFF]
- AP Sunshine Requests Denied by Legislative Leaders [CBS]
- ‘Star Trek’ fan film’s lawyer: Studios are only hurting fans, themselves with legal battle [FOX]
- Encryption [HBO]
- Americans with bachelor degrees lag behind other nations in labor skills [PBS]
- Oregon Libraries Invest In Cutting-Edge Maker Labs [OPB]
- Sci-Hub: research piracy and the public good [THE]
- Too Naked for the Nazis wins Diagram odd book-title prize [CBC]
- Your Kindle Will Turn Into A Relic If You Don't Update It Today [NME]
- To Kill A Mass Market Paperback and Access to Knowledge [ARL]
- Fair Use in Art, Politics, and Babies Going Crazy [CDT]
- Joint Statement in Support of Rapid Ratification [ACB]
- Creation station: UAB’s new MakerSpace powers campus innovators [UAB]
- While Microsoft’s Tay was being racist, an AI entered a writing contest — and nearly won [TNW]
- Library of Congress to Cancel the Subject Heading “Illegal Aliens” [LOC]
- Famed Publisher Opens Paris' First on-Demand Only Bookshop [ABC]
- He Said What? Making Sense of the Presidential Campaign [SLJ]
- For Adults, Lifelong Learning Happens The Old Fashioned Way [NPR]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).The U.S. city with the most psychiatrists per capita is Washington, D.C..