- It's time for academics to take back control of research journals [The Guardian]
- As Computer Coding Classes Swell, So Does Cheating [The New York Times]
- New Trends in Library Security [American Libraries]
- What Should We Keep? [John Green]
- Lines of Spines [The Smart Set]
- Climate Science Meets a Stubborn Obstacle: Students [The New York Times]
- Library Late Fines Are Not Helping Anyone [Book Riot]
- Videotapes Are Becoming Unwatchable As Archivists Work To Save Them [All Things Considered]
- Russian Librarian Convicted of ‘Extremism’ [Human Rights Watch]
- For the Illiterate Adult, Learning to Read Produces Enormous Brain Changes [Scientific American]
- Dozens of recent clinical trials may contain wrong or falsified data, claims study [The Gurdian]
- How to design a library that makes kids want to read [TED]
- Data Visualization Experts Say Search Trend Maps Are Mostly Bunk [Motherboard]
- Before the Cloud, an Underground Mine of Physical Data [The New York Times]
- Libraries Are Dropping Overdue Fines — But Can They Afford To? [HuffPost]
- Tracy K. Smith Named U.S. Poet Laureate [Time]
- Trigger Warnings and Intellectual Freedom [Intellectual Freedom Blog]
- Why Kids Need Data Literacy, and How You Can Teach It [School Library Journal]
- San Diego librarians receive Mental Health First Aid training [10News]
- In Defense of Cultural Appropriation [The New York Times]
- Getting serious about open access discovery—Is open access getting too big to ignore? [Medium]
- A Guide for Resisting Edtech: the Case against Turnitin [Digital Pedagogy Lab]
- ALA 2017 Spotlight: Librarians Gear Up for 'the Fight of a Lifetime' [Publishers Weekly]
- Misprint the legends: famous typos from James Joyce to JK Rowling [The Guardian]
- Bookstore Owner Sues California Over Law Regulating Autographed Items [All Things Considered]
- If These Books Could Talk [American Libraries]
- University of Missouri to push cheaper textbook plan [Columbia Daily Tribune]
- Following outcry, American Psychological Association “refocuses” takedown notice program [Retraction Watch]
- Is the staggeringly profitable business of scientific publishing bad for science? [The Guardian]
- Learning Analytics and the Academic Library: Professional Ethics Commitments at a Crossroads [College & Research Libraries]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
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