Library Link of the Day

June 2018

<< May 2018 | July 2018 >>

  1. BookExpo 2018: Will Trump Make Copyright Great Again? [Publishers Weekly]
  2. “It was information based”: Student Reasoning when Distinguishing Between Scholarly and Popular Sources [In the Library with the Lead Pipe]
  3. What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story? [NPR]
  4. Restricting Books behind Bars [American Libraries]
  5. How ‘Googling it’ can send conservatives down secret rabbit holes of alternative facts [The Washington Post]
  6. Sharing Is Caring: Reykjavik’s First Tool Library To Open This August [The Reykjavik Grapevine]
  7. Top 10 Security Risk Factors for Public and Academic Libraries [Information Today]
  8. Why Machine Translation Matters in the Modern Era [CMS Wire]
  9. A story of survival: New York’s last remaining independent bookshops [The Guardian]
  10. Copy Machines in Libraries Are ‘Going the Way of the Dodo’—Slowly [EdSurge News]
  11. The science that’s never been cited [Nature]
  12. The General Data Protection Regulation: What Does It Mean for Libraries Worldwide? [ARL]
  13. Bringing Harassment Out of the History Books [American Libraries]
  14. Preparing Libraries for Nuclear War [JSTOR Daily]
  15. Web Searches Reveal (in Aggregate) What We’re Really Thinking [Scientific American]
  16. Libraries of Things [School Library Journal]
  17. Legacy Systems [Kevin Seeber]
  18. The Bats Help Preserve Old Books But They Drive Librarians, Well, Batty [The Wall Street Journal]
  19. More libraries are going fine-free. That’s good for everyone. [The Washington Post]
  20. Kid Lit Campaign Rallies Against Immigration Horrors [Publishers Weekly]
  21. The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness [American Libraries]
  22. Fake News Course [UM Library]
  23. Carnegie medal winner slams children’s book publishers for ‘accessible’ prose [The Guardian]
  24. Will the European Big Deal Contagion Spread to North America? [The Scholarly Kitchen]
  25. Are you a Future Ready Librarian? [eSchool News]
  26. Little House On The Controversy: Laura Ingalls Wilder's Name Removed From Book Award [NPR]
  27. The Daughter as Detective [Longreads]
  28. Why Medieval Monasteries Branded Their Books [Atlas Obscura]
  29. How Computers Parse the Ambiguity of Everyday Language [The Atlantic]
  30. A Race Against Time to Preserve University Media Collections [Inside Higher Ed]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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The atomic number for Oxygen is 8.