Library Link of the Day

April 2019

<< March 2019 | May 2019 >>

  1. Pornographie juvénile: auteur et éditeur seront accusés [Le Journal de Montréal]
  2. 7 unexpected things that libraries offer besides books [The Conversation]
  3. Harry Potter books burned by Polish priests alarmed by magic [BBC News]
  4. Paywalls block scientific progress. Research should be open to everyone [The Guardian]
  5. ‘Predatory’ Scientific Publisher Is Hit With a $50 Million Judgment [The New York Times]
  6. Baltimore Mayor Pugh to take leave of absence in midst of 'Healthy Holly' book controversy [The Baltimore Sun]
  7. Washington Department of Corrections Quietly Bans Book Donations to Prisoners From Nonprofits [Book Riot]
  8. A music nerd's last stand: You'll pry my CDs out of my cold dead hands [CNET]
  9. IBM stirs controversy by using Flickr photos for AI facial recognition [CNET]
  10. A Brief History of Porn on the Internet [Wired]
  11. In a world of Google and Amazon, libraries rethink their role [CNET]
  12. The First Machine-Generated Book by a Scholarly Publisher Is a Boring Read [Gizmodo]
  13. Shh, No Roaring! When A Lion Lived In The Downtown Milwaukee Library Building [Bubbler Talk]
  14. How Capitalism Betrayed Privacy [The New York Times]
  15. What e-books at the library mean for your privacy [CNET]
  16. 5-star phonies: Inside the fake Amazon review complex [The Hustle]
  17. China’s largest stock photo provider draws fire over use of black hole image [TechCrunch]
  18. He Stole the Gutenberg Bible, Then Became Porn’s Weirdest Star [The Daily Beast]
  19. The Irony of Mueller-Report Profiteering [The Atlantic]
  20. Why Doctors and Librarians Make Great Partners [Publishers Weekly]
  21. 'Why I write fake online reviews' [BBC News]
  22. Elsevier’s Presence on Campuses Spans More Than Journals. That Has Some Scholars Worried. [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  23. It’s 2019. Academic Papers Should Be Free. [Undark]
  24. Yale students aren’t ready to close the book on the school’s libraries just yet [The Washington Post]
  25. 'Extraordinary' 500-year-old library catalogue reveals books lost to time [The Guardian]
  26. Sure, you could buy that book online for $15. But here’s what that book really costs us. [The Chicago Tribune]
  27. Catherine Pugh: Federal agents raid Baltimore mayor's home [BBC News]
  28. Why You Can No Longer Get Lost in the Crowd [The New York Times]
  29. Keep Library Workers Safe [American Libraries]
  30. Why Are There So Many Books About Dogs? [The New York Times]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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