- Pornographie juvénile: auteur et éditeur seront accusés [Le Journal de Montréal]
- 7 unexpected things that libraries offer besides books [The Conversation]
- Harry Potter books burned by Polish priests alarmed by magic [BBC News]
- Paywalls block scientific progress. Research should be open to everyone [The Guardian]
- ‘Predatory’ Scientific Publisher Is Hit With a $50 Million Judgment [The New York Times]
- Baltimore Mayor Pugh to take leave of absence in midst of 'Healthy Holly' book controversy [The Baltimore Sun]
- Washington Department of Corrections Quietly Bans Book Donations to Prisoners From Nonprofits [Book Riot]
- A music nerd's last stand: You'll pry my CDs out of my cold dead hands [CNET]
- IBM stirs controversy by using Flickr photos for AI facial recognition [CNET]
- A Brief History of Porn on the Internet [Wired]
- In a world of Google and Amazon, libraries rethink their role [CNET]
- The First Machine-Generated Book by a Scholarly Publisher Is a Boring Read [Gizmodo]
- Shh, No Roaring! When A Lion Lived In The Downtown Milwaukee Library Building [Bubbler Talk]
- How Capitalism Betrayed Privacy [The New York Times]
- What e-books at the library mean for your privacy [CNET]
- 5-star phonies: Inside the fake Amazon review complex [The Hustle]
- China’s largest stock photo provider draws fire over use of black hole image [TechCrunch]
- He Stole the Gutenberg Bible, Then Became Porn’s Weirdest Star [The Daily Beast]
- The Irony of Mueller-Report Profiteering [The Atlantic]
- Why Doctors and Librarians Make Great Partners [Publishers Weekly]
- 'Why I write fake online reviews' [BBC News]
- Elsevier’s Presence on Campuses Spans More Than Journals. That Has Some Scholars Worried. [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- It’s 2019. Academic Papers Should Be Free. [Undark]
- Yale students aren’t ready to close the book on the school’s libraries just yet [The Washington Post]
- 'Extraordinary' 500-year-old library catalogue reveals books lost to time [The Guardian]
- Sure, you could buy that book online for $15. But here’s what that book really costs us. [The Chicago Tribune]
- Catherine Pugh: Federal agents raid Baltimore mayor's home [BBC News]
- Why You Can No Longer Get Lost in the Crowd [The New York Times]
- Keep Library Workers Safe [American Libraries]
- Why Are There So Many Books About Dogs? [The New York Times]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Greece leads the Olympic opening processional, except for in 2004, when they entered last, as the host country.