Library Link of the Day

February 2020

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  1. Burrowed in Books [American Libraries]
  2. Why Everyone’s Angry About My Dark Vanessa Now [Slate]
  3. Doctor Explains What You Need to Know About Coronavirus [Wired]
  4. Researchers Find 'Anonymized' Data Is Even Less Anonymous Than We Thought [Motherboard]
  5. Trump pressed by Nobel laureates to make US-funded research available for free [Chemistry World]
  6. ‘Weed in the dead of night’: A librarian shares the secrets of book-culling [The Spinoff]
  7. Barnes & Noble cancels plan to put people of color on the covers of classic books after backlash [CNN]
  8. How Academic Science Gave Its Soul to the Publishing Industry [Issues in Science and Technology]
  9. End of the library fine: Australian initiative catching on [Al Jazeera]
  10. Not Quite Banned: Soft Censorship That Makes LGBTQIA+ Stories Disappear [School Library Journal]
  11. On Wikipedia, a fight is raging over coronavirus disinformation [Wired]
  12. In Amazon’s Bookstore, No Second Chances for the Third Reich [The New York Times]
  13. Playtime with puppies: the Australians reimagining what libraries can lend [The Guardian]
  14. 3D Printing Is Changing the World [VICE News]
  15. American Library Association’s $2 Million Shortfall Prompts Demands for Transparency, Reform [Library Journal]
  16. Be the Goose: On Barriers, Roadblocks and Finding Your Way in LIS [Cecily Walker]
  17. Open access journals get a boost from librarians—much to Elsevier’s dismay [Ars Technica]
  18. Google redraws the borders on maps depending on who’s looking [MSN]
  19. Wikipedia Is the Last Best Place on the Internet [Wired]
  20. Patrons at Maine’s rural libraries still look for books the old-fashioned way [Bangor Daily News]
  21. Why Amazon knows so much about you [BBC News]
  22. As Compassion Fatigue Takes its Toll, Schools and Public Libraries Take Steps to Support Librarians [School Library Journal]
  23. Adult Film Shot At Santa Monica Public Library During Business Hours Sparks Outrage [CBS Los Angeles]
  24. Tibetan New Yorkers Claim Queens Library Exhibit About Tibet Is Chinese Propaganda [Gothamist]
  25. The Scientific Paper Is Outdated [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  26. Open to What? A Critical Evaluation of OER Efficacy Studies [In the Library with the Lead Pipe]
  27. Experts Stress Data Sharing Critical During Coronavirus Outbreak [VOA]
  28. Legislator proposes library oversight panels to prevent drag queen story time events [The Jackson Sun]
  29. Who Should Decide What Books Are Allowed In Prison? [NPR]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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