Library Link of the Day

July 2020

<< June 2020 | August 2020 >>

  1. Proctorio CEO releases student’s chat logs, sparking renewed privacy concerns [The Ubyssey]
  2. Millions of Americans Depend on Libraries for Internet. Now They’re Closed [The Markup]
  3. As COVID-19 cases spike in US, mask misinformation also spreads [Agence France-Presse Factcheck]
  4. LSU Renames Library; Schools Across the Nation Take Similar Steps To Address Racist Past [Library Journal]
  5. Responding to a Threat [American Libraries]
  6. Covid-19 Shows That Scientific Journals Need to Open Up [Bloomberg]
  7. Hong Kong security law: Pro-democracy books pulled from libraries [BBC News]
  8. Library Discovery Directions [OCLC]
  9. Public libraries have been vital in times of crisis – from conflict to Covid-19 [Apollo]
  10. China's Great Firewall descends on Hong Kong internet users [The Guardian]
  11. How J. K. Rowling Became Voldemort [The Atlantic]
  12. Alexa, are you listening? An exploration of smart voice assistant use and privacy in libraries [Information Technology and Libraries]
  13. Why Repair Techs Are Hacking Ventilators With DIY Dongles From Poland [Vice]
  14. The case of the stolen journal [Retraction Watch]
  15. Summersville Public Library issues statement following incident [WVVA]
  16. Biased algorithms on platforms like YouTube hurt people looking for information on health [Neiman Journalism Lab]
  17. A New Role for Little Free Libraries [Book Riot]
  18. Labour of Love: An Open Access Manifesto for Freedom, Integrity, and Creativity in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences [Commonplace]
  19. Digital Deceit: Fake News, Artificial Intelligence, and Censorship in Educational Research [Open Journal of Social Sciences]
  20. Shifting the Center: Transforming Academic Libraries through Generous Accountability [ACRL]
  21. Open-access Plan S to allow publishing in any journal [Nature]
  22. Did a Minnesota School Toss Library Books to ‘Erase History’? [Snopes]
  23. Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver]
  24. National security law: Hong Kong’s librarians must stand firm to protect intellectual freedom [South China Morning Post]
  25. Why Hundreds of Mathematicians Are Boycotting Predictive Policing [Popular Mechanics]
  26. Building Anti-Surveillance Ed-Tech [Audrey Watters]
  27. REALM Project Test 2 Results Available [WebJunction]
  28. Machine Learning + Libraries: A Report on the State of the Field [LC Labs]
  29. Librarians alarmed about coronavirus safety at D.C.’s reopened public libraries [The Washington Post]
  30. Libraries vs Bookstores? No, False dichotomy. They are different Animals [Brewster Kahle]
  31. A Nevada library wanted to back Black Lives Matter. The sheriff said he wouldn’t respond to 911 calls there. [The Washington Post]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Rainbows were bad luck in anient Japan.