Library Link of the Day

May 2022

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  1. Book battle erupts in a Georgia school district. Will more follow? [The Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
  2. Government surveillance, Elon Musk, and free speech, with EFF executive director Cindy Cohn [The Verge]
  3. The Librarians Are Not Okay [Culture Study]
  4. 2022 Library Systems Report [American Libraries]
  5. How a Debut Graphic Memoir Became the Most Banned Book in the Country [The New York Times]
  6. The History Of Bookmobiles: Bookmobiles Are Here, And There And Everywhere, To Stay [Book Riot]
  7. The origins of "Birds Aren't Real" [60 Minutes]
  8. An Art Collection Finds Its Way Home [Inside Higher Ed]
  9. Nashville library offers 'I read banned books' library cards [ABC News]
  10. How J. Edgar Hoover Used the Power of Libraries for Evil [Literary Hub]
  11. Meet the New Old Book Collectors [The New York Times]
  12. Thomson Reuters to Review Human Rights Impact of its Data Collection for ICE [EFF]
  13. Welcome to Hotel Elsevier: you can check-out any time you like … not [Eiko Fried]
  14. Conservative parents take aim at library apps meant to expand access to books [NBC News]
  15. Librarians push back against book-banning [Salon]
  16. Remote Work Doesn’t Negatively Affect Productivity, Study Suggests [Texas A&M Today]
  17. Attacks on Libraries Are Attacks on Labor [Truthout]
  18. Texas A&M Weighs Sweeping Changes to Library [Inside Higher Ed]
  19. What Does My Library Need to Know about Ebook Laws? [American Libraries]
  20. Anti-abortion groups target women with misleading ads [BBC News]
  21. Texas librarians face harassment as they navigate book bans [The Texas Tribune]
  22. Color E Ink displays could mean more to Apple’s future than a folding iPhone [Macworld]
  24. Our Hydraulic Press Broke Down While Exploding Books! [Hydraulic Press Channel]
  25. Florida Warns Against CRT, 'Social Justice' in Social Studies Textbooks [Newsweek]
  26. If publishers have their way, libraries’ digital options will see major cuts [The Hill]
  27. How the internet gets people to plagiarize each other [Vox]
  28. Uvalde librarian thought about canceling storytime. Instead, she made it a refuge. [NBC News]
  29. Hillsdale to consider banning Harry Potter as library wars hit Michigan [Bridge Michigan]
  30. John Oliver's Australia & Gun Control's Aftermath [The Daily Show]
  31. Fireproof "Handmaid's Tale" edition is up for auction: A "symbol against censorship" [CBS News]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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