Library Link of the Day

July 2022

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  1. Pride Month Children's Library Event Canceled After Proud Boys Disruption [Newsweek]
  2. Pandemic Boost for Digital Course Materials [Inside Higher Ed]
  3. Elsevier's Acquisition of Interfolio: Risks and Responses [SPARC]
  4. Library Futures Releases Policy Statement and Draft eBook Legislative Language: Mitigating the Library eBook Conundrum Through Legislative Action in the States [Library Futures]
  5. The OCLC v Clarivate Dilemma [Coyle's InFormation]
  6. The Norwegian library with unreadable books [BBC Future]
  7. Wisconsin school board panel wants to gloss over mass jailing of Japanese Americans [MSNBC]
  8. Is your smartphone ruining your memory? A special report on the rise of ‘digital amnesia’ [The Guardian]
  9. Print Redux? [Hanging Together]
  10. Libraries Are Becoming a Battleground for LGBTQ+ People [Motherboard]
  11. Urban Library Trauma Study Final Report [Urban Librarians Unite]
  12. With another leader leaving, Vinton Public Library closes for now [The Gazette]
  13. More than 200 Stuffed Animals Sleepover at the Goleta Valley Library [Santa Barbara Independent]
  14. Group demands books in Coventry Pride display be burned [Journal Inquirer]
  15. A copyright lawsuit threatens to kill free access to Internet Archive’s library of books [Popular Science]
  16. Montana rejects library logo over similarity to pride flag [Associated Press]
  17. The “Great Publishing Resignation” Exposes the Failings of the Industry [Book Riot]
  18. What’s Happening With The Vinton Public Library [Iowa Starting Line]
  19. Lofi Girl disappeared from YouTube and reignited debate over bogus copyright claims [NPR]
  20. Preservationists say Library of Congress makeover plan is ‘vandalism’ [The Washington Post]
  21. Libraries are not just for books – they can help in heatwaves too [Big Issue]
  22. Oklahoma Threatens Librarians: ‘Don’t Use the Word Abortion’ [Motherboard]
  23. The Crypto Revolution Wants to Reimagine Books [Esquire]
  24. With Rising Book Bans, Librarians Have Come Under Attack [The New York Times]
  25. Removing Barriers to Entry [Inside Higher Ed]
  26. Potential fabrication in research images threatens key theory of Alzheimer’s disease [Science]
  27. Community gathered in large numbers to support librarian facing termination [KLFY]
  28. Welcome to the library of the 21st century [CBS News]
  29. The Professors Who Refuse to Do the “Free Work” Their Older Colleagues Did for Years [Slate]
  30. Amazon's Book Piracy Problem [Matt Harrison's Blog]
  31. Meeting MARC: the 50-year-old data format for library records [Ruth Tillman]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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The atomic number for Oxygen is 8.