Library Link of the Day

February 2023

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  1. 'This shouldn’t be a surprise' The education community shares mixed reactions to ChatGPT [USA Today]
  2. The Junkification of Amazon [New York Magazine]
  3. Library Link of the Day, with John Hubbard [Circulating Ideas]
  4. Librarian says he was told to remove poster of Holocaust survivor’s quote for violating Central Bucks ‘advocacy’ policy [WHYY]
  5. Fair Use Creep Is A Feature, Not a Bug [EFF]
  6. Orange Unified suspends digital library after parents’ book complaints [The Orange Country Register]
  7. Students and Parents Are Fighting to Save NYC’s Imperiled School Libraries [Truthout]
  8. Microsoft and Google are about to Open an AI battle [The Verge]
  9. Libraries in the Age of Artificial Intelligence [Computers in Libraries]
  10. In The Age Of Streaming, TV Preservation Matters More Than Ever [/Film]
  11. Colorado libraries keep closing for meth contamination. Is it their problem to solve? [The Colorado Sun]
  12. U.S. Copyright Office tells Judge that AI Artwork isn’t Protectable [PetaPixel]
  13. Harry Potter fans couldn't wait for the long-awaited Hogwarts Legacy video game. Now, it's being boycotted. Here's why [ABC News]
  14. The Race to Build a ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine [Wired]
  15. 5 Ways Libraries Used to Be Hardcore [Cracked]
  16. Americans Don’t Understand What Companies Can Do With Their Personal Data — and That’s a Problem [Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania]
  17. World's oldest Hebrew Bible could fetch $50 million at auction [CNN]
  18. Vermont State University’s ‘All-Digital’ Library Fiasco [Inside Higher Ed]
  19. The Online Search Wars Got Scary. Fast. [The New York Times]
  20. Exploring the Innovative Community Libraries of Korea [Publishers Weekly]
  21. Salman Rushdie, Rishi Sunak condemn Roald Dahl re-writes [Deutsche Welle]
  22. Florida classroom bookshelves left empty as education reform law goes into effect [CBS News]
  23. Bing Is a Liar—and It’s Ready to Call the Cops [Mother Jones]
  24. Publishers Want to End How Libraries Lend Books Online [Andrew Bauld]
  25. AI-created images lose U.S. copyrights in test for new technology [Reuters]
  26. A graphic novel spurs Liberty Lake politicians to strip some authority from its library board [The Pacific Northwest Islander]
  27. ND legislature seeks to ban “sexually explicit” books [The Concordian]
  28. At Random [Harper's Magazine]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine.