Ultima Personality Test

AnkhBelow is a personality test using questions from in the computer role-playing game Ultima IV. The test is used at the beginning of the game to determine your character's class. They are questions of character and there are no right answers. Each of the 28 question presents a choice between one of the eight virtues of the Avatar. These eight virtues represent all possible combinations of the cardinal traits of Truth, Love, and Courage, which in turn stem from the pure axiom Infinity.

  • Honesty (Truth - Mage)
  • Compassion (Love - Bard)
  • Valor (Courage - Fighter)
  • Justice (Truth and Love - Druid)
  • Sacrifice (Love and Courage - Tinker)
  • Honor (Truth and Courage - Paladin)
  • Spirituality (Truth and Love and Courage - Ranger)
  • Humility (None - Shepherd)

These virtues are loosely related to Buddhism (there's even a character named Buddah in the town of Skara Brae, and an employee of Origin Systems has confirmed that Lord British, the creator of the Ultima series, consulted many religions when creating the virtue system, including Buddhism):

Ultima Virtue The Middle Way of Buddhism's Noble Eightfold Path Equivalent
Honesty Views - knowledge of the truth
Valor Aims/thought - the intention to resist evil
Compassion Speech - saying nothing to hurt others
Justice Effort - striving to free one’s mind of evil
Sacrifice Livelihood - holding a job that does not injure others
Honor Conduct/behavior - respecting life, morality, and property
Spirituality Contemplation/meditation - practicing proper forms of concentration
Humility Mindfulness - controlling one’s feelings and thoughts

These questions are copyrighted by Origin Systems and are presented for educational and personal use only. This site is not affiliated or endorsed by Origin Systems. For more information on Ultima IV, see:

Quest of the Avatar
Screenshot by John Hubbard

To take the test, select an answer for each of the questions below, then click Score Results. There are no right or wrong answers, merely virtues and traits you most adhere to. Compare your results with the information above to see what class you may have been if you lived in Britannia.

Let us begin the casting....

During battle thou art ordered to guard thy commmander's empty tent. The battle goes poorly and thou dost yearn to aid thy fellows. Dost thou:

Thy friend seeks admittance to thy Spiritual order. Thou art asked to vouch for his purity of Spirit, of which thou art unsure. Dost thou:

A mighty knight accosts thee and demands thy food. Dost thou:

Thou hast spent thy life in charitable and righteous work. Thine uncle the innkeeper lies ill and asks you to take over his tavern. Dost thou:

Thou dost believe that virtue resides in all people. Thou dost see a rogue steal from thy Lord. Dost thou:

Entrusted to deliver an uncounted purse of gold, thou dost meet a poor beggar. Dost thou:

Thou hast been sent to secure a needed treaty with a distant Lord. Thy host is agreeable to the proposal but insults thy country at dinner. Dost thou:

Thy parents wish thee to become an apprentice. Two positions are available. Dost thou:

Thou art sworn to uphold a Lord who participates in the forbidden torture of prisoners. Each night their cries of pain reach thee. Dost thou:

Thou art at a crossroads in thy life. Dost thou:

Although a teacher of music, thou art a skillful wrestler. Thou hast been asked to fight in a local championship. Dost thou:

Thou art an elderly, wealthy eccentric. Thy end is near. Dost thou:

Thou hast sworn to do thy Lord's bidding in all. He covets a piece of land and orders the owner removed. Dost thou:

A merchant owes thy friend money, now long past due. Thou dost see the same merchant drop a purse of gold. Dost thou:

Thou hast been taught to preserve all life as sacred. A man lies fatally stung by a venomous serpent. He pleads for a merciful death. Dost thou:

Thou hast been prohibited by thy absent Lord from joining thy friends in a close pitched battle. Dost thou:

In thy youth thou pledged to marry thy sweetheart. Now thou art on a sacred quest in distant lands. Thy sweetheart asks thee to keep thy vow. Dost thou:

Thou art a bounty hunter sworn to return an alleged murderer. After his capture, thou believest him to be innocent. Dost thou:

Thou art sworn to protect thy Lord at any cost, yet thou knowest he hast committed a crime. Authorities ask the of the affair, dost thou:

As one of the King's Guard, thy Captain has asked that one amongst you visit a hospital to cheer the children with tales of thy valiant deeds. Dost thou:

Thy Lord mistakenly believes he slew a dragon. Thou hast proof that thy lance felled the beast. When asked, dost thou:

A local bully pushes for a fight. Dost thou:

Thee and thy friend are valiant but penniless warriors. Thou both go out to slay a mighty dragon. Thy friend thinks he slew it, thee did. When asked, dost thou:

Thou dost manage to disarm thy mortal enemy in a duel. He is at thy mercy. Dost thou:

After 20 years thou hast found the slayer of thy best friends. The villain proves to be a man who provides the sole support for a young girl. Dost thou:

During a pitched battle, thou dost see a fellow desert his post, endangering many. As he flees, he is set upon by several enemies. Dost thou:

Thee and thy friends have been routed and ordered to retreat. In defiance of thy orders, dost thou:

Unwitnessed, thou hast slain a great dragon in self defense. A poor warrior claims the offered reward. Dost thou:

Many thanks to Gargish Dragon and Kurse Dragon, who helped me locate the the original text for these questions in 1998.

Created, maintained and © by John Hubbard (write to me). Disclaimers. Hosted by Dreamhost. Last modified: September-27-2017.