Library Link of the Day

August 2004

<< July 2004 | September 2004 >>

  1. Mother Hits The Warpath On Pornography At Library [Des Plaines Journal]
  2. Does Hatch have iPod, TiVo, Google and Legos in his sights? [The Salt Lake Tribune]
  3. Accessibility of library vies with tradition [The Boston Globe]
  4. Talking Tags [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  5. Publishers Visit NIH To Protest Free Access Initiative [Library Journal]
  6. Texas Sex-Ed Textbooks Face Contraceptives Battle [Reuters]
  7. Talking books used to help improve health care in Afghanistan [ComputerWorld]
  8. Understanding Metadata [National Information Standards Organization]
  9. Katie Jones of (the real) [GrepLaw]
  10. The devil you don't know: The unexpected future of Open Access publishing [First Monday]
  11. National Archives Will Go Digital [PC World]
  12. Kline keeps some CDs from libraries [The Wichita Eagle]
  13. Soviet-bloc dissidents condemn Castro [WorldNetDaily]
  14. Why you should fall to your knees and worship a librarian [Librarian Avengers]
  15. Net Publishing Made Profitable [Wired News]
  16. Fixing the First Job [Library Journal]
  17. Next-generation search tools to refine results [CNET]
  18. Librarians For Terror [FrontPage Magazine]
  19. Presidential libraries pursue visitors [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
  20. Google Guys [Playboy]
  21. About radical reference [Radical Reference]
  22. Fight for the right to copy [BBC News]
  23. Drive-thru library comes to Ottawa [The Ottawa Citizen]
  24. Something new to check out at the mall: library books [The Christian Science Monitor]
  25. Porn filters expose flaws [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review]
  26. Color Index [New England School of Law Library]
  27. Tech Firms Seek to Soften Anti-Piracy Bill [The Washington Post]
  28. Have e-books turned a page? [CNET]
  29. Cell phone use in Huntington Beach libraries could cost $1,000 [The Mercury News]
  30. Literacy meets the video age [The Scotsman]
  31. Scientists want research papers freely available [USA Today]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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