Library Link of the Day

September 2004

<< August 2004 | October 2004 >>

  1. We are becoming digital pack rats [The Indianapolis Star]
  2. To Chat Or Not to Chat - Taking Another Look at Virtual Reference, Part 2 [Searcher Magazine]
  3. Families embrace education during National Literacy Month [The Pasadena Citizen]
  4. Library Goes up in Flames, Destroying Literary Legacy [Deutsche Welle]
  5. What's your library doing on September 11? [The September Project]
  6. US lawyers say secret court could hear Patriot Act challenges [The Boston Globe]
  7. Inerview: Put Up or Shut Up [Information Today]
  8. Homework Problems? Help Is a Click Away. [The Washington Post]
  9. Book lending falls 30% as libraries turn to technology [The Sunday Herald]
  10. Research Libraries' Costs of Doing Business (and Strategies for Avoiding Them) [Educause Review]
  11. Shakespearean text lives online [BBC News]
  12. Internet porn ban enacted for city libraries [Arizona Daily Sun]
  13. Medical journals tackle biased reporting of results []
  14. Noah's Cosmic Ark: Preserving DNA on the Moon []
  15. Hawaii Sued Over Public-Property Access [ABC News]
  16. Copyright Currents [Cites & Insights]
  17. All about e-books []
  18. Bonfire of the Humanities [The Village Voice]
  19. Great Surviving Manuscripts [PBS NOVA]
  20. Textbook Prices On the Rise [The Washington Post]
  21. Saving the Artistic Orphans [Wired News]
  22. How Americans Use Instant Messaging [Pew Internet & American Life Project]
  23. Book Burning in the 21th Century [Banned Books Week]
  24. eBay Sellers' Opinions about "Librarian" Clothing: Frumpy or Bumpy? [Sunny Worel and Allan Barclay]
  25. Judge Strikes Down Anti-Bootleg Law [ABC News]
  26. Book-banning controversy tears at souls of librarians [The Plain Dealer]
  27. Internet privacy, the Patriot Act and Abu Ghraib [The Salt Lake Tribune]
  28. Will authors get honest review for $350? [The Christian Science Monitor]
  29. Libraries lure residents out of the slums of Bogota [The Wichita Eagle]
  30. Library book '100 years overdue' [BBC News]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Shakespeare’s character with the most lines is Falstaff.