Library Link of the Day

April 2005

<< March 2005 | May 2005 >>

  1. Information Does Not Exist [Journal of Knowledge Research]
  2. Stacked [FOX Broadcasting Company]
  3. Ranganathan Online [Library Journal]
  4. The whole future of computing at stake? Sounds like a movie [The Guardian]
  5. Librarian loses 'pretty girl' lawsuit against Harvard [CNN]
  6. Pope's death creates surge of book interest [USA Today]
  7. Just Deserts? [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  8. White House willing to scale back Patriot Act Safeguards against abuse could be added as anti-terror law comes up for renewal [The San Francisco Chronicle]
  9. Japan history texts anger E Asia [BBC News]
  10. EPIC 2014 [Robin Sloan, Matt Thompson, and Aaron McLeran]
  11. National Library Week [American Library Association]
  12. National Library to build digital archive [Stuff]
  13. New York Public Library to Sell Major Artworks to Raise Funds [The New York Times]
  14. The Infinite Library [Technology Review]
  15. Libraries Fight Proposed Budget Cuts [The Guardian]
  16. Open-Access Journals Flourish [Wired News]
  17. Do Libraries Still Matter? [Carnegie Reporter]
  18. Librarians face existential crisis [Federal Computer Week]
  19. Wanted: Original copy of 'Moore's Law' [MSNBC]
  20. Public Streams Into Lincoln Museum [NBC5]
  21. University of Toronto Library School Annual Examinations, 1934-35 [William Denton]
  22. Dutch public libraries oppose personal data bill [DigitalMediaEurope]
  23. Where the Jobs Are: Librarians Break Into Strategic Roles [CareerJournal]
  24. Absurd isolation of Turkmenistan causes no concerns to the rest of the world [Pravda]
  25. Japan Envoy Criticizes Chinese Textbooks [The Guardian]
  26. Check This Out [National Review]
  27. Stress puts army archivist in intensive care [Stuff]
  28. Apple Retaliates Over Jobs Biography [ABC News]
  29. Meanwhile: No Google, please, we're French [International Herald Tribune]
  30. Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors [CBS News]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Spiral staircases turn right as they ascend. This was so that (right-handed) knights could defend the castle.