- Cities should think carefully before jumping on WiFi bandwagon [SiliconValley.com]
- The Bookless Future [The New Republic]
- Robotic cranes will serve patrons of new USU library this fall [The Salt Lake Tribune]
- 'Tagging' helps unclutter data [CNN]
- The Entry Level Gap [Library Journal]
- Searching Books Between the Covers [Online]
- Antipiracy Rule for Broadcasts Is Struck Down [The New York Times]
- On the Theory of Library Catalogs and Search Engines [Bernhard Eversberg]
- Newsflash! Subject Headings not boring! [Marginal Librarian]
- Congress plans scrutiny of Patriot Act [CNET News.com]
- Your Internet Search Results, in the Round [The New York Times]
- Clermont library may charge [The Cincinnati Enquirer]
- Dutch academics declare research free-for-all [The Register]
- 'Guys Read:' Encouraging Boys to Love Books [All Things Considered]
- College Libraries Set Aside Books in a Digital Age [The New York Times]
- History will vanish into the ether [The Australian]
- A captive readership [The Citizen]
- Wal-Mart apologizing for ad showing Nazi-era book fire [USA Today]
- In a library near you: Stacks of DVDs [MSNBC News]
- Librarian's brush with FBI shapes her view of the USA Patriot Act [USA Today]
- Library card? Check. Fingerprint? Really? [Chicago Tribune]
- A different sort of campus copyright fight [MSNBC News]
- Library board restores ‘Bill of Rights’ [The Kansas City Star]
- The Importance of Open Access, Open Source, and Open Standards for Libraries [Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship]
- Tabloids beat libraries for the facts that matter [The Guardian]
- Google's books online under fire [BBC News]
- Get a guy to read? Try making it gross [The Enquirer]
- Tectonic Shifts in Scholarly Publishing [The Charleston Advisor]
- In Recovery [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Archiving War Veterans' Memories Online [ABC News]
- That Sinking Feeling [Urban Legends Reference Pages]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Six people died in Oregon during WWII as a result of a Japanese balloon bomb.