<< February 2007 | April 2007 >>
- Berger Case Still Roils Archives, Justice Dept. [The Washington Post]
- Push for open access to research [BBC News]
- Pimp My Bookcart Contest Winners [Unshelved News]
- A Cozy Book Club, in a Virtual Reading Room [The New York Times]
- Libraries ponder a collective dilemma [The Kansas City Star]
- Whose Art Is It? [Newsweek]
- Wikipedia editor who posed as professor is Ky. dropout [The Courier-Journal]
- E-books fail to fly into users' hands [Information World Review]
- Sports Illustrated Withholds Swimsuit Issue from Libraries, Schools [Library Journal]
- American Library Association shamed [Laurel Leader-Call]
- History, Digitized (and Abridged) [The New York Times]
- Come for the Xbox, stay for the books [The Boston Globe]
- Freedom of Information Act turns 40 [The Seattle Times]
- What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education [JISC]
- Officials shield more than 1 million pages of documents from public view [Statesman Journal]
- Massey librarian implicated in $1m book heist [Stuff]
- Information Navigation 101 [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Book Scanning Goes High-Tech [ABC News]
- Thinking Outside the Box, Inside the Panel [The Washington Post]
- More video games, fewer books at schools? [CNET News.com]
- University Presses Try to Straddle the Battle Lines in Open-Access Debate [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Part I: A Smarter Web [Technology Review]
- Metadata for All: Descriptive Standards and Metadata Sharing across Libraries, Archives and Museums [First Monday]
- Boy wizard turns green [The Guardian]
- Top bookstores' gloomy views generate merger buzz [Canada.com]
- Federal judge in Phila. strikes down pornography measure [The Philadelphia Inquirer]
- Libraries close their books [The Age]
- Will RDA Be DOA? [Library Journal]
- Dead Plagiarists Society [Slate]
- The 10 Most Expensive Books Of 2006 [Forbes]
- Your Room Is Booked [The Washington Post]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.