Library Link of the Day

April 2007

<< March 2007 | May 2007 >>

  1. Library of Congress to Outsource Auxiliary Cataloging Functions [ALA Online NewsBreaks]
  2. Waters gives librarians dose of free speech [The Baltimore Sun]
  3. McLean Students Sue Anti-Cheating Service [The Washington Post]
  4. America Gone Wrong: A Slashed Safety Net Turns Libraries into Homeless Shelters [AlterNet]
  5. Is Google Too Powerful? [BusinessWeek]
  6. Libraries Must Follow Rules of Secrecy to Get New 'Potter' Book [FOX News]
  7. Intern sold stolen Civil War papers on eBay [MSNBC]
  8. Fast book nation [Government Computer News]
  9. High court weighs right to check out library books [Battle Creek Enquirer]
  10. Google Book Search Libraries and Their Digital Copies [Searcher]
  11. 'Shhh' -- the one thing you won't hear in a library [The Los Angeles Times]
  12. What Goes Around [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  13. Couric's Contretemps [Newsweek]
  14. Warner wants unprotected albums off Web site [CNET]
  15. Trolley book wins odd title prize [BBC News]
  16. Books aren't the hook [Detriot Free Press]
  17. Are Reference Desks Dying Out? [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  18. US Library of Congress makes slow march into digital age [France 24]
  19. Bookstore gets perilously close to final chapter [Chicago Tribune]
  20. Librarian Who Resisted FBI Says Patriot Act Invades Privacy [The Washington Post]
  21. WHO SAYS WE KNOW: On the New Politics of Knowledge [Edge]
  22. Many welcome first lady, but wonder if Bush has forgotten N.O. [WWL-TV]
  23. Chinese political prisoner sues Yahoo [International Herald Tribune]
  24. City Threatened with Suit over Library's "Obscene" Book on Lesbian Sex [Library Journal]
  25. It's the end of your data as you know it [ZDNet UK]
  26. The State of America's Libraries [American Library Association]
  27. An Iraqi Woman and Her Library [Alive In Baghdad]
  28. Criminalising the consumer [The Economist]
  29. South L.A. library not safe, educator says [The Los Angeles Times]
  30. Serial Wars [Library Journal]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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The shortest Bible passage is John 11:35, “Jesus wept.”