Library Link of the Day

January 2013

<< December 2012 | February 2013 >>

  1. E-book Reading Jumps; Print Book Reading Declines [Pew Research Center]
  2. Do We Still Need Libraries? [The New York Times]
  3. At libraries, children find delight in reading to dogs [The Washington Post]
  4. Old school bookstore thrives in NYC [CNN]
  5. Alan Moore's Neonomicon censored by US library [The Guardian]
  6. Google backtracks on Chinese anti-censorship feature [Wired]
  7. Library of Congress has archive of tweets, but no plan for its public display [The Washington Post]
  8. Will Gutenberg laugh last? [Rough Type]
  9. Check These Out at the Library: Blacksmithing, Bowling, Butchering [The Wall Street Journal]
  10. Thin, Flexible PaperTab to Redefine the Tablet [Discovery News]
  11. “Buffy vs Edward” remix unfairly removed by Lionsgate [Ars Technica]
  12. Congressman Doesn't Want College To Accept Muslim Book Grant [WITN]
  13. Mission Creep and Mission Criticality [Library Journal]
  14. Newspapers no more, and online you realise it's about knowledge [The Sydney Morning Herald]
  15. A Data Crusader, a Defendant and Now, a Cause [The New York Times]
  16. Hatchet Job of the Year shortlist lines up sharpest reviews [The Guardian]
  17. Using the internet in place of memory doesn’t make us dumber [ExtremeTech]
  18. A New Chapter? A Launch Of The Bookless Library [NPR]
  19. ALA, E-Books and You [ALA]
  20. The battle against 'sexist' sci-fi and fantasy book covers [BBC News]
  21. Mathematicians aim to take publishers out of publishing [Nature]
  22. E-Resources: What Could Be Better? [Library Journal]
  23. Pew Study Suggests Libraries (And Print) Still Have A Future In An E-Book World [TechCrunch]
  24. Michigan Student Is First ‘Wikipedian in Residence’ at a Presidential Library [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  25. Readers sue Lance Armstrong for book refund after doping admission [CNN]
  26. Public library not designed as site for snoozing [Iowa City Press Citizen]
  27. Tech Has Always Killed Jobs: A History [The Huffington Post]
  28. Google Tells Cops to Get Warrants for User E-Mail, Cloud Data [Wired]
  29. The Most Ridiculous Law of 2013 (So Far): It Is Now a Crime to Unlock Your Smartphone [The Atlantic]
  30. The Object Formerly Known as the Textbook [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  31. Warsaw Ghetto: The story of its secret archive [BBC News]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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