Library Link of the Day

February 2013

<< January 2013 | March 2013 >>

  1. From Timbuktu, Reports That Most Manuscripts Were Saved [NPR]
  2. How MIT Can Honor Aaron Swartz [Slate]
  3. Bring back shushing librarians [Salon]
  4. Digital Comics Are Getting Cheaper [Publishers Weekly]
  5. Free pole dancing classes at library 'great success' with readers [STV]
  6. Prison and Libraries: Public Service Inside and Out [Library Journal]
  7. Publishers and Library Groups Spar in Appeal to Ruling on Electronic Course Reserves [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  8. Researchers opt to limit uses of open-access publications [Nature]
  9. DOJ Settles With Macmillan in E-Books Case [Fox Business]
  10. Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks [The Washington Post]
  11. The new library of Babel? Borges, digitisation, and the myth of the universal library [First Monday]
  12. Price of a Bad Review [Inside Higher Ed]
  13. A Defense of Comic Sans [Vsauce]
  14. Dispensing Computers [Inside Higher Ed]
  15. Obama's speech highlights rise of 3-D printing [CNN]
  16. Bestselling author riles many, calling libraries 'no longer relevant' [The Christian Science Monitor]
  17. Subjective Impressions Do Not Mirror Online Reading Effort: Concurrent EEG-Eyetracking Evidence from the Reading of Books and Digital Media [PLOS ONE]
  18. Librarians and Lawyers [Inside Higher Ed]
  19. Library thefts cost Austin more than $1 million in five years [Austin American-Statesman]
  20. How librarians can help widen access to research – live chat round-up [The Guardian]
  21. 10 Great Technology Initiatives for Your Library [American Libraries]
  22. William Kamkwamba: How I built a windmill [TED]
  23. Three indie bookstores file lawsuit against Amazon and Big Six publishers [The Christian Science Monitor]
  24. Which Q&A App Sucks The Least? [ReadWrite]
  25. Disruptions: On the Fast Track to Routine 3-D Printing [The New York Times]
  26. U.S. Takes Huge Step Forward in Opening Access to Publicly Funded Research [Information Today]
  27. Debunking the Bestseller [Leapfrogging]
  28. Hudson, Wis.-based Little Free Library heading to Africa [St. Paul Pioneer Press]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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A person with pes planus has flat feet.