<< October 2014 | December 2014 >>
- Terms of Service [Al Jazeera America]
- Texas textbook review: ‘I’d like a Biblical check on that’ [The Washington Post]
- The top 100 papers [Nature]
- Making It Real: 3D Printing as a Library Service [EDUCAUSE Review]
- Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters [TED]
- The lives of books [College & Research Libraries News]
- Picking The Locks: Redefining Copyright Law In The Digital Age [All Things Considered]
- Considering RFID? Consider This. [Computers in Libraries]
- The Ingenuity and Beauty of Creative Parchment Repair in Medieval Books [Colossal]
- Death of the Library Website Redesign [Tammy Wolf & Melissa Johnson]
- Free Money [Planet Money]
- Google Scholar pioneer on search engine’s future [Nature]
- Will the librarian PLEASE keep the noise down! [Daily Mail]
- The Knowledge, London’s Legendary Taxi-Driver Test, Puts Up a Fight in the Age of GPS [The New York Times Style Magazine]
- Brooklyn wins 4th annual ‘Battle of the Book Sorters’ [Brooklyn Daily Eagle]
- Welcome To The Library [TNT]
- The Importance of Being a Reference Librarian [Booklist]
- Maurice Sendak's rare book collection is subject of new lawsuit [Los Angeles Times]
- Online Fan Fiction Spaces as Literacy Tools [Reading Today Online]
- Amazon-Hachette Deal: The Reaction [Publishers Weekly]
- From OPAC to Search Engine: Making the Case for Discovery [Discovery Tools Now and in the Future]
- Meet the Man Who Catalogs Medieval Cartoons [Modern Notion]
- Are libraries sustainable in a world of free, networked, digital information? [El profesional de la información]
- See the Possible: Little Free Libraries come to Fairfax [WKYC]
- Judge Approves Apple Settlement, But Case is Far From Over [Publishers Weekly]
- Ferguson Library Stays Open as Schools and Services Close [Newsweek]
- Therapy dogs help give kids reading confidence [Port Clinton News-Herald]
- Nightclubs for literature? Why book selling is booming in Taiwan [CNN]
- Publishing: The peer-review scam [Nature]
- How an eBay bookseller defeated a publishing giant at the Supreme Court [Ars Technica]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).The HMS Beagle took Charles Darwin to the Galápagos Islands.