Library Link of the Day

December 2014

<< November 2014 | January 2015 >>

  1. Thinking the unthinkable – doing away with the library catalogue [Insights: the UKSG journal]
  2. Location, Location: GPS in the Medieval Library [medievalbooks]
  3. Library Technology Forecast for 2015 and Beyond [Computers in Libraries]
  4. Burn the Libraries and Free the Librarians [R. David Lankes]
  5. Is Nature’s “free to view” program a step back for open access? [Scientific American]
  6. on information privilege. [info-mational]
  7. Ursula Le Guin [National Book Awards]
  8. When the Archive Won't Yield Its Secrets [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  9. Shining a light on rewritable paper [Chemistry World]
  10. Grappling With the ‘Culture of Free’ in Napster’s Aftermath [The New York Times]
  11. Clash in the Stacks [Inside Higher Ed]
  12. One of Shakespeare’s Rare First Folios Discovered in French Library []
  13. Study of massive preprint archive hints at the geography of plagiarism [Science]
  14. Don't Judge a Book by its Cover: Tech-Savvy Teens Remain Fans of Print Books [Nielsen]
  15. Things That Make the Librarian Angry [Medium]
  16. Ten Stories That Shaped 2014 [LISNews]
  17. Agriculture regulators in Minnesota and Pennsylvania warn libraries about their seed-sharing programs [American Libraries]
  18. As we may understand [Medium]
  19. Whisper it quietly, the book is back … and here’s the man leading the revival [The Guardian]
  20. The insane history of how American paranoia ruined and censored comic books [Vox]
  21. Quora And The Quest To Answer Every Question [BuzzFeed News]
  22. The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn [TED]
  23. The Everything Book: reading in the age of Amazon [The Verge]
  24. Libraries without physical books find a niche in San Antonio [The Washington Post]
  25. Beaten Before We Start [Library Journal]
  26. The Future of Privacy [Pew Research Center]
  27. Cat Fancy magazine’s nine lives are over as Catster claws its way to top [The Guardian]
  28. Information Doesn't Want to Be Free [This Way Up]
  29. Neil Gaiman and Martin Rowson on censorship [Index on Censorship]
  30. Screen time wrong prelude to bedtime, study says [The Boston Globe]
  31. UK writers cheer as 'despicable' ban on sending books to prisons is lifted [The Christian Science Monitor]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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