Library Link of the Day

May 2016

<< April 2016 | June 2016 >>

  1. Providing children with tablets loaded with literacy apps yields positive results [Science Daily]
  2. How Libraries — Yes, Libraries — Are Helping People Ditch Stuff They Don’t Need [The Huffington Post]
  3. Google’s search finds a future where devices don’t matter: It’s all AI [Digital Trends]
  4. China Creates World's First Graphene Electronic Paper: What This Means For The Future [Tech Times]
  5. Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone [Science]
  6. America’s obsession with adult coloring is a cry for help [Quartz]
  7. Survey data: When what you see is not what you wanted to get [College & Research Libraries News]
  8. Welcome to the robot-based workforce: will your job become automated too? [The Guardian]
  9. Pricing the Ingredients [Tammy Ivins]
  10. Economic thoughts about “gold” open access [madLibbing]
  11. Uganda, where a book can cost a month’s salary [BBC News]
  12. Sweating in the Stacks [American Libraries]
  13. North Carolina Librarians, Library Associations React to HB2 [Library Journal]
  14. Do you actually 'buy' digital content on Amazon or iTunes? [Los Angeles Times]
  15. Sharp Dressed, Well Read: This Philly Library Lets Job Hunters Borrow Ties [TakePart]
  16. Printed book sales rise for first time in four years as ebooks decline [The Guardian]
  17. Central Library brings a social worker on board [The Oregonian]
  18. OkCupid Study Reveals the Perils of Big-Data Science [Wired]
  19. What Do the Authors of Sci-Hub’s Most-Downloaded Articles Think About Sci-Hub? [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  20. GOP reinstates usage of ‘illegal alien’ in Library of Congress’ records [NewsHour]
  21. Portland school board bans climate change-denying materials [Portland Tribune]
  22. Colleges Shouldn’t Have to Deal With Copyright Monitoring [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
  23. There’s a new battle raging in California over history textbooks. Here’s what you need to know [Salon]
  24. Revealed: How copyright law is being misused to remove material from the internet [The Guardian]
  25. Elsevier denies it will force SSRN users on to other services [Times Higher Education]
  26. Meet the master of reproduction [Christie's]
  27. The Slippery Business of Plagiarism [Inside Higher Ed]
  28. The Delicate Task Of Restoring One Of The World's Oldest Libraries [All Things Considered]
  29. New privacy rules for Internet service would be illegal, providers say [The Washington Post]
  30. Should it be legal to resell e-books, software, and other digital goods? [Ars Technica]
  31. Fifty shades of open [First Monday]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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A person with pes planus has flat feet.