Library Link of the Day

June 2016

<< May 2016 | July 2016 >>

  1. Digital forensics: from the crime lab to the library [Nature]
  2. Fifty shades of open [First Monday]
  3. How Are Libraries Doing Around the World? [Flavorwire]
  4. Automated robot that scans library shelves using laser mapping and radio tags can ensure no book is misplaced again []
  5. In Omaha, A Library With No Books Brings Technology To All [All Things Considered]
  6. The Snowden effect: Privacy is good for business [CNET]
  7. Stealing Books in the Age of Self-Publishing [The Atlantic]
  8. The Human Fear of Total Knowledge [The Atlantic]
  9. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Content Management [CUWL 2016 Conference]
  10. The Web’s Creator Looks to Reinvent It [The New York Times]
  11. From Both Sides Now [American Libraries]
  12. We Need a Growth Mindset for Learning Library Research [Library Journal]
  13. You Do What? Re-working a Librarian “Career Day” Presentation [Mr. Library Dude]
  14. The True Story of Medical Books Bound in Human Skin [Nautilus]
  15. Share wars: Sharing, theft, and the everyday production of Web 2.0 on DeviantArt [First Monday]
  16. New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand [The New York Times]
  17. Korean-Style Webtoons and Webcomics Are The Future of Comic Books [Inverse]
  18. Why Netflix thinks its personalized recommendation engine is worth $1 billion per year [Business Insider]
  19. Amid Tragedy, Libraries Can Offer Help and Hope [American Libraries]
  20. ISIS Hit List of Arkansas Civilians Leaves Targets, Authorities Unmoved [Newsweek]
  21. Nascent Journal To Help Refugees Preserve And Publish Their Research [Morning Edition]
  22. Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe [TED]
  23. Harry Potter and the Never-Ending Spoiler War [The Atlantic]
  24. Pulp Friction [New Republic]
  25. The New Censorship [U.S. News & World Report]
  26. A Fight Over ‘Aliens’ [The New York Times]
  27. Led Zeppelin Wins 'Stairway to Heaven' Jury Trial [The Hollywood Reporter]
  28. LITA’s Top Tech Trends [American Libraries]
  29. Save Browser [The Verge]
  30. What Brexit Means for Book Publishing [Publishers Weekly]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Military K-9s are one rank higher than their handlers, so that anyone mistreating their dog is culpable of assaulting a superior.