- Reading Conrad with convicts: What I learned leading a book club inside a men’s prison [Salon]
- What do modern libraries loan? Human books [CNN]
- Star Trek fan film guidelines defended by CBS official [Entertainment Weekly]
- Browse free or die? New Hampshire library is at privacy fore [Ledger-Enquirer]
- Facebook, a News Giant That Would Rather Show Us Baby Pictures [The New York Times]
- Being a librarian now means also being at least a part-time social worker [Timeline]
- Audiobooks: Is listening as good as reading? [The Mercury News]
- Humans Need Not Apply [CGP Grey]
- Manipulated Journal Rankings? [Inside Higher Ed]
- School libraries shift toward innovation areas, but librarians fear for what’s lost [The Kansas City Star]
- How Your Journal Editor Works [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- New Hampshire Library Defends Use Of Online Anonymity Software [All Things Considered]
- Everything Librarians Need To Know About Pokemon Go! [Where We're Going, We Don't Need Shelves]
- Adding Classes and Content, Resurgent Libraries Turn a Whisper Into a Roar [The New York Times]
- The Library of Congress Gets a History-Making New Leader [The Atlantic]
- My Little Free Library War: How Our Suburban Front-Yard Lending Box Made Me Hate Books and Fear My Neighbors [Alternet]
- School librarians: It’s about more than just books [The Wichita Eagle]
- Protecting Patron Privacy [Library Journal]
- The Library of Last Resort [n+1]
- Is the maker movement putting librarians at risk? [eSchool News]
- The pros and cons of your coloring books obsession [CNN]
- The Politics Beyond the Plagiarism [Inside Higher Ed]
- EFF sues US government, saying copyright rules on DRM are unconstitutional [Ars Technica]
- Do students lose depth in digital reading? [The Conversation]
- Why Libraries Are Everywhere in the Czech Republic [The New York Times]
- Another Word for ‘Illegal Alien’ at the Library of Congress: Contentious [The New York Times]
- More Professors Know About Free Textbook Options, but Adoption Remains Low [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Portland teacher brings books to the homeless by bike [The Oregonian]
- Syria's secret library [BBC News]
- Books Banned In Jail, Can Be Used As Weapon [KNWA]
- When Does ‘Fair Use’ Become Unfair? [Undark]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Greece leads the Olympic opening processional, except for in 2004, when they entered last, as the host country.