<< October 2019 | December 2019 >>
- Meghan Murphy: Canadian feminist's trans talk sparks uproar [BBC News]
- You May Have To Wait To Borrow A New E-Book From The Library [NPR]
- Librarians, Start New Game [American Libraries]
- Don’t Let Science Publisher Elsevier Hold Knowledge for Ransom [EFF]
- The Government Protects Our Food and Cars. Why Not Our Data? [The New York Times]
- Weaving Books into the Web—Starting with Wikipedia [Internet Archive]
- Who Is Censoring Your In-Flight Movies? [InsideHook]
- Florida officials deny public library's request for a New York Times subscription, calling the paper "fake news" [CBS News]
- Hungry Goats Helped Save the Reagan Library From a California Wildfire [Smithsonian]
- The Peril of ‘Data-ism’ [Online Searcher]
- The mysterious case of Japan's vanishing bookstores [The Japan Times]
- Why Microsoft and Warner Bros. Archived the Original ‘Superman’ Movie on a Futuristic Glass Disc [Variety]
- Gen Xers, millennials and even some Gen Zs choose vinyl & drive record sales up [The Conversation]
- Books criticizing President Trump keep going missing at an Idaho library [CNN]
- The price of a "clean" internet [TED]
- Librarianship at the Crossroads of ICE Surveillance [In the Library with the Lead Pipe]
- At Cornell’s New Fine Arts Library, the Book Sets the Standard [Metropolis]
- Publishers Should be Making E-Book Licensing Better, Not Worse [EFF]
- The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe. Does it hide a darker core? [CNN]
- Firehosing: the systemic strategy that anti-vaxxers are using to spread misinformation [The Guardian]
- Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information [Pew Research Center]
- Her Amazon Purchases Are Real. The Reviews Are Fake. [BuzzFeed News]
- What Tweets and Emojis Did to the Novel [The New York Times]
- No Love for White Gloves, or: the Cotton Menace [Smithsonian Libraries]
- Misquoted and misunderstood: Why many in the search community don’t believe the WSJ about Google search [Search Engine Land]
- West Virginia Inmates Will Be Charged by the Minute to Read E-Books on Tablets [Reason]
- Small bookstores are booming after nearly being wiped out [CBS News]
- Sweden Gives Drag Queens $177,000 to Perform Shows For Kids [Out]
- Pointless work meetings 'really a form of therapy' [BBC News]
- Meet the man in charge of putting Chester Beatty online [The Irish Times]
These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.
This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).Greece leads the Olympic opening processional, except for in 2004, when they entered last, as the host country.