Library Link of the Day

November 2019

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  1. Meghan Murphy: Canadian feminist's trans talk sparks uproar [BBC News]
  2. You May Have To Wait To Borrow A New E-Book From The Library [NPR]
  3. Librarians, Start New Game [American Libraries]
  4. Don’t Let Science Publisher Elsevier Hold Knowledge for Ransom [EFF]
  5. The Government Protects Our Food and Cars. Why Not Our Data? [The New York Times]
  6. Weaving Books into the Web—Starting with Wikipedia [Internet Archive]
  7. Who Is Censoring Your In-Flight Movies? [InsideHook]
  8. Florida officials deny public library's request for a New York Times subscription, calling the paper "fake news" [CBS News]
  9. Hungry Goats Helped Save the Reagan Library From a California Wildfire [Smithsonian]
  10. The Peril of ‘Data-ism’ [Online Searcher]
  11. The mysterious case of Japan's vanishing bookstores [The Japan Times]
  12. Why Microsoft and Warner Bros. Archived the Original ‘Superman’ Movie on a Futuristic Glass Disc [Variety]
  13. Gen Xers, millennials and even some Gen Zs choose vinyl & drive record sales up [The Conversation]
  14. Books criticizing President Trump keep going missing at an Idaho library [CNN]
  15. The price of a "clean" internet [TED]
  16. Librarianship at the Crossroads of ICE Surveillance [In the Library with the Lead Pipe]
  17. At Cornell’s New Fine Arts Library, the Book Sets the Standard [Metropolis]
  18. Publishers Should be Making E-Book Licensing Better, Not Worse [EFF]
  19. The flat-Earth conspiracy is spreading around the globe. Does it hide a darker core? [CNN]
  20. Firehosing: the systemic strategy that anti-vaxxers are using to spread misinformation [The Guardian]
  21. Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information [Pew Research Center]
  22. Her Amazon Purchases Are Real. The Reviews Are Fake. [BuzzFeed News]
  23. What Tweets and Emojis Did to the Novel [The New York Times]
  24. No Love for White Gloves, or: the Cotton Menace [Smithsonian Libraries]
  25. Misquoted and misunderstood: Why many in the search community don’t believe the WSJ about Google search [Search Engine Land]
  26. West Virginia Inmates Will Be Charged by the Minute to Read E-Books on Tablets [Reason]
  27. Small bookstores are booming after nearly being wiped out [CBS News]
  28. Sweden Gives Drag Queens $177,000 to Perform Shows For Kids [Out]
  29. Pointless work meetings 'really a form of therapy' [BBC News]
  30. Meet the man in charge of putting Chester Beatty online [The Irish Times]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Greece leads the Olympic opening processional, except for in 2004, when they entered last, as the host country.