Library Link of the Day

December 2019

<< November 2019 | January 2020 >>

  1. Human biases are baked into algorithms. Now what? [Marketplace]
  2. Books on wheels: When the library comes to the homeless shelter [The Christian Science Monitor]
  3. About [Libraries 2020]
  4. 'We Wanted Our Patrons Back' — Public Libraries Scrap Late Fines To Alleviate Inequity [NPR]
  5. Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a ‘Pirate Bay of Science’ Never Goes Down [Vice]
  6. Nefertiti's bust joins the digital age [Engadget]
  7. What Are the Larger Implications of Ex Libris Buying Innovative? [Ithaka S+R]
  8. How do I protect my online privacy from 'surveillance capitalism'? [The Guardian]
  9. The Problem with Grit: Dismantling Deficit Thinking in Library Instruction [portal: Libraries and the Academy]
  10. The Fact-Check Industry [Columbia Journalism Review]
  11. Chinese library sparks outrage over report staff burned ‘banned books’ [The Guardian]
  12. How many books should a professor be able to check out? [Inside Higher Ed]
  13. Justices debate allowing state law to be “hidden behind a pay wall” [Ars Technica]
  14. Is Plagiarism Wrong? [The Point Magazine]
  15. No Holds Barred: Policing and Security in the Public Library [In the Library with the Lead Pipe]
  16. Rude paper reviews are pervasive and sometimes harmful, study finds [Science]
  17. The Terror Queue [The Verge]
  18. Is My Library Liable for Fake News? [American Libraries]
  19. The dark side of Alexa, Siri and other personal digital assistants [The Conversation]
  20. Predatory journals: no definition, no defence [Nature]
  21. Urged to cancel event criticized as anti-trans, Seattle Public Library board postpones final decision [The Seattle Times]
  22. Justice Department investigates Sci-Hub founder on suspicion of working for Russian intelligence [The Washington Post]
  23. Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries [OCLC Research]
  24. How the Library of Congress Unrolled a 2,000-Year-Old Buddhist Scroll [Atlas Obscura]
  25. Ten Stories That Shaped 2019 [LISNews]
  26. Why the Second-Hand Ebook Market May Never Take Off [Fortune]
  27. FaceApp may pose 'counterintelligence threat' says FBI [BBC News]
  28. How the 1% Scrubs Its Image Online [The Wall Street Journal]
  29. Applications & Implications of AI in Academic Libraries [ACRL]
  30. Undergraduates and Discovery [Ex Libris]
  31. Bats Are Hanging Out in the Library. What Gives? [AFAR]

These links are not updated for accuracy; older links may be dead.

This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me).
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Woodrow Wilson is the only US President to have earned a PhD.