Wizardry VII Maps
Relative position of all Forest maps listed below

Forest A2

Forest A3

Forest A4

Forest A7

Forest B1

Forest B2

Forest B4

Forest B5

Forest B6

Forest B7

Forest B8

Forest B/C0

Forest C1

Forest C2

Forest C3

Forest C6

Forest C7

Forest C8

Forest D1

Forest D3

Forest D4

Forest D5

Forest D6

Forest D7

Forest D8

Forest E3

Forest E4

Forest E7

Forest E8

Forest E/F6

Forest F2

Forest F3

Forest F4

Forest F7

Forest F8

Forest F/G5

Forest G4

These Wizardry VII Maps are drawn and Copyright 1994 by Tom Needham. Zipped files
containing all of these maps are also available from the Files page.
Created, maintained and © by John Hubbard (write to me).
Hosted by Dreamhost.
Last modified: January-04-2003.